... really take your time with blindreview (ensure that you've ... between your raw score and your blindreviewscore, pay attention to ... on. If your blindreviewscore and raw score are about the ... 're missing and review those concepts in the core curriculum. ...
... well you do on blindreview! If your blindreviewscore is high, that ... and that your real issue in timing. In that event, drilling your ... , if your blindreview is still below your goal score, that suggests ... can expect to achieve that score.
... problem. My test is also in a couple weeks and I ... am still in the mid 150s before blindreview (after blindreview is mid ... this hump I am in with my differing blindreviewscore. Would you want ...
1. In the first question ... asked, I interpreted the word “with” as an ... the first group experienced both an awakening where they felt ... paralyzed AND a strange presence in the room at the ...
There is hope inBlindReview. I find getting a higher blindreviewscore helps with this. But I just love taking practice test. I love the pressure. Sometimes I have to slow down and focus on the fundamentals.
I am in the same boat except I am continuously scoring 151, and my blindreviewscore is 163. I have gone through all of PowerScore materials, all of 7Sage, and have even met with a tutor for many hours. How do I improve my score? Any help is appreciated.
I was just wondering what the average discrepancy between your actual scores vs. your BR scores are after taking a PT. I know I average about a 10pt difference between actual and BR scores. Is that too high of a discrepancy? What ...
... find the answer to this in my searches but apologize if ... and will apply with that score during this admissions cycle. If ... retake can I send that scorein as an additional way to bolster ...
... />
In timed, stimulated exams I scored my recent high 166..but blindreview ... ...170. In fact, with blindreview I am not ... fall well below my average in regular practice drills.
Anyone ...
... me figure out how to blindreview after entering answers from a ... to digital and see my score, but I'm hoping to ... my paper answers and then blindreview them. Right now, whenever I ... able to then get a blindreviewscore and it's breaking my ...
... to a fellow 7Sager in [Sharing experience and seeking ... advice on how to BlindReview efficiently in [Dropped from 170 to ... very thorough and helpful explanation in [PT5.S1.Q24 - Peculiarities ... be running more Chatterbox Championships in the future. Every 7Sage ...
The blindreviewscore is a measure of your ... of the test. The timed score is a measure of your ... take to achieve your BR score. Just because you know how ...
@stepharizona I circle the questions I wasn't 100% on and then re-do them during BlindReview. My un-circled questions are factored into my blindreviewscore but I do not re-do them.