... -14 points lower than my BlindReview score (~164-165 on the ... and 176-178 on the BlindReview). I understand that there is ... difference between their Timed and BlindReview scores? Anecdotes, tips, and guidance ...
... practice test and doing a blindreview but should we still do ... to the questions to honestly blindreview them after but don't ... being efficient with studying and blind reviewing in a way that ...
... averaging around 170-173 on blindreview pts, and about 92 ... ). however, my scores before blindreview tend to hover around 165 ... thoroughly read the passage during blindreview.
Hello, I have been doing BlindReview and WAJing according to the lessons in the syllabus for LR and I found them extremely helpful. I was wondering if there is anything different I should do in terms of blind reviewing and WAJing for RC?
BlindReview! Learn it, love it, live by it. The test is hard. Don' ... this, but it's worth a read. I'm sure it will help ... how experienced you are. Check it out: http://www.top-law ... Get Right" @"Alex Divine" check it out
... reasoning: If you need to reviewit during BR, then you likely ... it takes me about 1.5 to 2.5 hours to blindreview ... . So it's perfectly normal for it to take a long time. It ... 's worthit ...
In other words, is going through the whole course and the 35 prep tests enough to realize one's maximum potential? Is it necessary to do other earlier prep tests under timed condition? Also, after blindreview, is it necessary to do the tests repeatedly?
... on the prep tests for blindreview but it tells me I cant ... access that. Even though it says on the starter pack ... explain which ones I can review. I'm thinking its only ...
... difference between my timed and blindreview score. I apologize if ... gap between their timed and blindreview scores. Any strategies/anecdotes ... these scores? Does the blindreview mean it is possible for me ... and on weekends), is it possible to improve that ...
... 3 mins on it during blindreview and it is pretty tough) ... but I couldn't find it ...
Here are my clues: It is either PMR or parallel ... than 50% people got it right. I don't ... time on it during real test because it is extremely ...
First time poster. I am starting to PT, I am not sure if BR is helping me. Does anyone have any tangible evidence in their experience with PT and BR impacting or improving their scores?
Thank you,
... to complete 3 games and it takes me about 4 minutes ... do answer and because my BlindReview is solid (**178**). I only ... about 30 minutes on the BlindReview, so it’s not as if ...
... achieved -0 before but it's kind of a freak ... always get -0 on BlindReview so it's not like I ... what I'm doing, it just never quite goes smoothly ... 'miscellaneous' game type, because it is miscellaneous. So yeah, I ... ton of time working on it because I work full ...