... go through the answer sheet and mark down the Q#s ... it down fully and, hopefully, figured out why the answerchoice you ... picked was actually wrong (and why another choice ... wrong, without knowing the right answer, where I felt stumped ...
... , what to look for, which answerchoice gets the job done, etc ... select an argument from the answer choices that makes the same ... as for deciphering between the answer choices, remember that there is ... /consistent way of calming yourself down as you go through the ...
... go through the each answerchoice write down how each answerchoice fares in answering ... these two questions. For example: answerchoice ... so is descriptively inaccurate. But answerchoice "B" occurs in the stimulus ...
... I hope you are writing down the following during blind review ... You also want to write down your confidence level for that ... you first ask if the answerchoice is descriptively accurate, and then ... the stimulus or answer choices, then write down the approach and ...
... you strengthen. If it flows down, you find the MP. For ... argument?" you would find the answerchoice that strengthens the argument. ... as true and find the answerchoice that strengthens the argument. ... see how this flows down.
... you strengthen. If it flows down, you find the MP. For ... argument?" you would find the answerchoice that strengthens the argument. ... as true and find the answerchoice that strengthens the argument. ... 't see how this flows down.
> ...
... there’s little slowing you down and preventing you from completing ... without knowing what the correct answer is, without knowing if you ... having your original work or answerchoice for reference. You should be ... for the stimulus to break down both the logic and the ...
... you already have the framework down. For an MSS question, the ... something. What else can the answerchoice be supported on other than ... ) and support one of the answer choices.
In ... the support flows from the answerchoice up to the stimulus. It ...
... I go through my wrong answer journal for LR. When I ... the question, write down why I picked my answer, if I was ... I write down what is wrong/right about each answerchoice. Lastly, I ...
... that" in the stimulus or answerchoice, that I would have gotten ... Q19 (missed something in the answerchoice), where I missed the "urban ... I should try to cut down the number of questions I ... on without reading the other answer choices.
... go through the answer sheet and mark down the Q#s ... WITHOUT looking at the correct answer (if 7sage, use the ... broken it down fully and, hopefully, figured out why the answerchoice you ... picked was actually wrong (and why another choice is ...
... a second time and slowed down. I was so worried about ... why each answerchoice is wrong and why the correct answerchoice is the ... don't get why an answer is the way it is ...
... />
- Jumping into the answerchoice with having little or no ... it down. I don’t look at the answer choices ... jumping into answer choices I again break down the argument ... answer choices but if I read answerchoice A, was confident in my answerchoice ...
... to look for an answer choices that weakens the ... answer.
Taking the test this way meant I was often down ... to a couple of answer choices. I ... at just about any answer I choose and I ... able to predict the answerchoice but I am happy ...
... to look for an answer choices that weakens the ... that it also weakened the answer.
> Taking ... I was often down to a couple of answer choices. I ... at just about any answer I choose and I scored ... be able to predict the answerchoice but I am happy ...
... always nervous and often down to two answer choices. Even an " ... felt like I found an answerchoice that weakend the connection ... wrong and that another answerchoice could weaken the argument ... 't matter if the answerchoice is answerchoice B. If it matches ...
... that Kaplan or PowerScore breaks down conditional logic in nearly ... were unsure about. Break it down into premises and conclusion. ... structure. Find out why each answer is wrong in detail. ... that would allow the incorrect answerchoice to actually be correct. ...
... about "some people" and an answerchoice talks about "most people," ... correlation is established and an answer choices tries to establish ... answerchoice that I am happy with, or I narrow it down ... to a couple of contender answer choices, circle ...
Loophole is so great! She provides a lot of tips/tricks on breakingdown the answer choices so you don't fall into common traps. I would only get it though if you feel like you've exhausted all the 7sage LR resources and feel like you need something more.
Yes, you can cross out answer choices and highlight on the ... />
I personally do not write down notes in depth during timed ... try to parce out the answer choices in my head. down my reasoning for each answerchoice, and note the ...
... AND the answerchoice. (Sometimes people forget that answer choices ... back and reread every answerchoice again. Absolute waste ... down to two or three answer choices: Reassess each answerchoice ... any specific answerchoice.) and choose which answer you think ...
... resulted in frequently being down to 2 answer choices or needing to ... I was right with an answerchoice. It has taken a lot ... my focus is stimulus. The answer is in the stimulus. ... stimulus
- Prediction
-Answer choices
- Change from timed ...
... AND the answerchoice. (Sometimes people forget that answer choices ... back and reread every answerchoice again. Absolute waste ... down to two or three answer choices: Reassess each answerchoice ... any specific answerchoice.) and choose which answer you think ...
... could prove and disprove every answerchoice. (I literally spend 45 minutes ... couple LR sections (didn't answer the questions) but just translated ... words and physically wrote it down - I found this really helped ...
... in LG and I'm down to about -0 to -2 ... the pathway to the right answer and be honest about it ... times I remembered the right answer, but if I couldn't ... 't let myself pick the answerchoice. Be really tough on yourself ...
... have a wrong answer notebook in where I write downanswer I get ... , the reason I missed this answerchoice, and a solution for this ... . I found in my wrong answer journal that the biggest reason ...