There used to be a few questions per section that I just didn't get, even during blindreview... now, when I see a trap answer choice, I hear JY's voice saying "What?! Why do we care?! Oldest trick in the book!"
... bat an eye when I see a dense stimulus. In a ... through brute repetition and careful review. Similarly, retakes can help reinforce ... around. Be sure to thoroughly blindreview those questions and return to ...
... , take a practice test, blindreview it, and see how you did. Inevitably ... well below your target score. See where you messed up and ... curriculum. Once you're consistently blind reviewing at least a few ...
... a week (followed by extensive blindreview--not necessarily in the same ... 's a solid hour of review and, if you do this ... , I've learned that I cannot study at night (on my ...
... read sometimes helps your mind see the flaw. But if you ... , re-read the stimulus and see if a different flaw comes ... course going to happen in BlindReview).
* The thing with ... to improve. So in blindreview, try to see why your pre-phrase ...
I immediately blindreview without time limit. I do third time blind view one ... not sure that I should blindreview for a section or just ... PT 60s. I just wanna see how my limitation.
Speed will come as you improve in understanding Logic games and see repeated inferences. I blindreview after I have taken a PT. But I do it by each game, individually. That way the inferences are fresh.
@Sami said:
Speed will come as you improve in understanding Logic games and see repeated inferences. I blindreview after I have taken a PT. But I do it by each game, individually. That way the inferences are fresh.
I don't really see how the questions are any ... I think once you see so many questions they all ... lol and you start to see patterns. For example, my ... because I didn't see the point in moving ... . I found that my blindreview began matching up with the ...
... a comment you'll probably see often, but it's not ... you're not doing careful blindreview for each PT, and diagnosing ... and see minimal improvement. On the other hand, with careful blind reviewing ... caught onto 7sage and the blindreview method.
... to diagram if you can see the answer just by reading ... much that they can just see what's missing without even ... would work on understanding in BlindReview what about the question gave ... time to learn it and see how in future you would ...
... take a PT and thoroughly BlindReview it. Look at analytics to ... them. Try to get your Blindreview score at or above your ... your PT score to your Blindreview score.
- This is where ... the things you got wrong see it as all the things ...
... yourself enough time to honestly review and learn from each one ... . Make sure to BlindReview every PT, and review lessons as needed afterwards ... />
But try different things and see what works best for you!
... on LR so good, to see them as variations on older ... are not describing what we see and are instead describing some ... questions deeper like that through blindreview, you start to really work ...