... Translations" unit of the Conditional and Set Logic section ... conditional language was used to express a potential causal ... those statements are conditional with comparative and causal elements (at ... statements indicating there being causal and/or comparative ...
... particular cause (again under the causal assumption that **_taking away_** ... actually does not make the causal error in my opinion. ... conclusion could they support here vs. what conclusion the did ... more of a causal rather than a conditional (although both ways ...
... build off of the "dogs" vs "this dog" @lexxx745 and @ ... necessarily just start blasting out conditional logic maps at the first ... "is" where there is no causal reasoning.
In ... hindsight maybe a causal statement wasn't the optimal ...
I was wondering if someone could give me a quick summary of when conditional rules trigger and when they become irrelevant in logic games...it still takes me a while to fully grasp the idea.
... ? For example, I know that conditional statement i.e.
A ... shows their error in the causal relationship.
So I'm ... all going to be just conditional or causal?
I've been working on LGs the past couple of weeks and I realized that Grouping games are my lease favorite, especially the ones with sub categories. I've memorized the rules but when I'm working on these games I get confused and sometimes it messes up my ...