... that you really need to work on flaws because ... sized portion of the test, they are part of ... mean nothing, you need to practice like you will ... not an arbitrary administration to take the LSAT. If ... year or more to truly be ready to come closeto your potential. ...
@lpadr009, this is a hard test for sure and I've ... studying this test for a year. I am not closeto my goal ... said, talk to someone why you want to go to lawschool and become ... you know why you want to do it. One necessary condition ...
... then read the passages again to get practice reading. Rinse/repeat ... ll get better. And try to actually learn the material (like ... your quiver. But limit it to RC passages, IMO, and ... within a "range" this closeto the test. Otherwise you will get overwhelmed ...
My endurance sucks. So I'm writing test (almost) everyday at the time the test will be: 9am (or closeto it). 12 tests in the next 14 days
Also: Bananas.
I'm in the same boat with you - it's to the point where I'm now nervousto take more tests as I get closer totest day because I don't want some bizarre score that makes me say, I knew it this was all dumb luck, and then get all funny on test day!!
if you can't be talked out of taking a PT this week ... either take it as a timed 3 section or untimed as folks have said. this closeto the test you don't need to be seeing a score, IMO.
... in May, wanted to take the Oct test but no way ... in hell. And I'm not even closeto ... being done for this Dec. I may just have to ... tendency, some need more time to build that skill. Just ... are undeserving. Good luck to all in the same boat ...
... . However I'm not even closeto what I expected from myself ... wrote them back to back as in a real test. I diligently ... every question and always aim to find 4 wrong answers. to do next.
No need to be nervous. We're like a family ... circling the questions during the test that you aren't 100 ... copy of the test in order for you to humble yourself and ... this BR process. Taking test after test will not improve you unless ...
... It was the biggest thing to get me over the hump ... to my goal score.
close to the score I got in June. On test day ... that you're not going to get worse once you ... for a week before the testto get back my skill. Fortunately ...
... small incremental goals each test. So next test try to reach 18/19 ... . Once you reach that try to ... real test, so once you get to where you want to be or closeto ... too easy, I need to redo that to confirm thats right"). Instead ...
... for over a year now. Closeto two years. I've ... twice and only gotten semi-closeto my goal score. I used ... at 3:30 AM to go to the gym before work ... feel stressed out and upset to be apart of. If ... to have when you're studying.
... stress yourself out over this test (more than possible; especially over ... not enough time to prep comfortably for the next test, think seriously ... 'll usually go for as closeto 5 as possible and then ...
... stuff. LG is easy to improve in and can ... your score, especially this closeto the test. If you do make ... it, it is easy to relearn. I literally relearned ... the week before my October test)
I' ... just too hard to improve. RC has to be improved slowly ...
... . I figured that I was closeto my goal. However, I took ... my motivation to study for the test and my ability to master its ... I'm planning to take the June 2016 test and that's ... might even try to sit for the February test, if I could ...
... intuition. (I think I’m closeto having done 1000 games. It ... will continue to be until I’m done with this test.) More ... I’ll find a node to split a board or two ... to get a feel, or I’ ... do one hypothetical game board to see how the rules interact ...
... and ended up the entire test being closeto a personal best. Don ... i ended up going -6, closeto my personal worst. (Proctors decided ... the questions were just going totest specific details. Now, every passage ...
... the Dec test, and I guess I want to see if ... your PT scores this closeto the actual test. If you've ... it might be beneficial to not even score your ... paranoia. If you want to take PTs to stay fresh, great. ... must go into this test with an unshakable resolve and ...
... very stern warning to anyone taking the December test.
... test. If you insist on trying new medication or supplements this closeto ... the exam, please test it out in ... the nights before the test. Do NOT try anything ...
... much. :-) Was PTing very closeto target score (+ or - only ... of taking PTs too closeto a scheduled test date. ;-) Dropping 8 ... (or worse) on test day would be a total ... process of an actual test day at least once ... get targeted score or close this time; if I ...