I've noticed in recent preptests that there have been some difficult logic game curveballs. I'm currently only practicing sequencing games with the earlier tests where a lot of them are curveballs. is there any reason to be concerned about this new trend?
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So Manhattan represented this in conditional logic as:
(loss ... sufficient condition. Still, with this conditional logic, I think I understand ... note, has anyone seen this conditional logic set up in other ...
I've looked at a several games in this type. Are there common inferences that we usually see in this set of categorized game? Most seem like rule driven games for the most part
... was under the impression that conditional statements are not comparisons. I ... not read it as a conditional statement. How should I have ... first sentence to see the conditional?
... mentioned is in the second conditional statement. But even then, it ... part of the explanation (last conditional statement), but why must they ...
Would "purely", "merely", and "solely" function the same way "only" functions in the conditional logic or reasoning with "only" being necessary condition indicator?