It's JY's humorous, engaging style and RARE profanity (let the record show, this is not squandered on low hanging fruit; indeed, an expletive is often warranted for these questions) that brings light to an otherwise dark world of LSAT preparation.
... using Google chrome's incognito mode (not sure if it works ... for every browsers' incognito mode ie firefox); every time you ... browser, restart a new incognito mode and start over again until ...
Wow @Jonathan Wang, that is true mastery. You went BEAST mode on that LR section. Honestly, If I don't get accepted into law school this cycle, my goal is to get at that level for October, wow.
That's how you know you're getting better - when the rules of logic cease to be optional and start becoming your default mode of thought. And if you think about it, isn't that how it's supposed to be anyway?
It happens, I get caught up when I read random article online that have nothing to do with the LSAT. My brain goes into LSAT mode and I catch myself trying to validate arguments lol