@david.busis last option seems like the easiest to me, especially from the professor's perspective.
Also, I just began the course and wanted to let you know that I've really enjoyed it. Tremendously helpful and well worth the cost!
I agree with @allison.gill.sanford as she hit it on the nail. I would also suggest you attend the admissions webinar hosted by @david.busis this coming Wednesday at 9pm EST. He's taking questions at the end where you could ask about this.
@stepharizona Looked at some possible fall choices last night. @david.busis Emailed a lot of my professors last night. Thanks for all of the help everyone.
@westcoastbestcoast there was a thread a few months ago where someone posted about this and @david.busis mentioned that its a strategy some people do, especially if they have been out of school for awhile. I will see if I can find it.