... the current level, I can get level 1-2 difficulty -0; level 3 -0 ... ~-1; Level 4: - ... 1~-2; Level 5: - ...
How can you improve level 5 question answering accuracy. During ...
... JY Ping saying that the difficulty of questions (Easy, Easier, Medium ... 't that eschew the representative difficulty of questions on the more ...
... how I am overcoming this difficulty and establishing a 25 questions ... for any that gave me difficulty. So, I don't need ... questions shouldn't give me difficulty (fallacy) and I am not ...
... a level 1 difficulty in under 40 seconds, level 2 50 seconds, level 3 ... 65 seconds, level ... of time on each question difficulty type. Thoughts?
... were seven level 3 difficulty questions, five level 4, and two level 5. Out ... section I missed one level 3 and one level 4 question. The ... were all one and two leveldifficulty questions. I even constantly have ...
In my LSAT analytics I’m able to see the difficulty (on a scale of one to five) of individual sections that I’ve taken as PTs and graded. Is there any way to see that information for individual sections that I have taken as PTs or graded?
The question is fairly self-explanatory, but here's one of a number of examples: PT 4, Sec. 3 rates the overall difficulty as a 3/5 in the Question Bank but a 1/5 overall under the Free LG Explanations list. Can anyone clarify? Thanks in advance!