... recommending reading the LR question stem first and figure out ...
However, there are some question stems referring to a specific ... /lsat_explanations/lsat-25-section-4-question-05).
So, ... it if I found the question stem containing too many ...
For LR clearly. When you see a question involves heavy Lawgic say MBT MBF Parallel reasoning etc.. Do you start mapping the lawgic right away or read it first then read it again and Map it out?
Not all X are Y. Is this translated as X some (not)Y? Also, is Not all X are Y equivalent to X some Y? For the latter question, I know in English in certain contexts, the statement "not all" of something implies "some are."
... test, that I just have difficulty doing the first couple of ... first LR section, between the question # 2-9. This is especially ... 5 minutes to complete those question to do them calmly.
... other 7sagers on tackling Flaw question types.
I have gone ... improve with these question types. Ive noticed these question types appear quite ...
Question for those who completed the ... problem sets available for each question type or saved some for ... the questions are arranged by difficulty. Not sure if I am ... at the end of each question type for drilling later. What ...