... it comes to volunteer experience/non-profit work - I want to ... past 3 years with a non-profit. I've also worked ... for several other non-profits, including the ACLU of ...
Hypothetically, if you knew that you did horribly, like not knowing how to set up a game, bad on a non-supplemental section, would you cancel your score?
Just joined the 7Sage.
I am from India. Currently in my second year of undergraduate studies. Would it be a wise option to pursue law in the US after my undergraduate?
Any help regarding this would be appreciated.
... going to teach pre-university student calc, we must make sure ... it was possible for a student to take calculus, not do ... we are challenging is the student's capability of handling it ...
Does anyone know how the alternative scantron accommodation is carried out? If an alternative bubble sheet is provided, how does it differ from the ones that non-accommodated test takers use and is there one available for download?