I'm having a very big problem with missing easy 1star LR questions. I don't know what exactly I'm doing wrong but I tend to miss 3-4 at the start of each LR section. But when it comes to the more difficult (3-4stars) questions (15- ...
LSAT Analytics problem - The "Question and Game Difficulty" parts are just all square boxes. I can't just whether a question is 2 star or 3 star on the analytics page - after I graded a PT. Thanks!
How can I consolidate all the flash cards without clicking the star? Do we have a subcategory that will allow us to make use of all the flash cards under one tab?
... near 100% accuracy on five star questions, but am constantly getting ... , but I missed 4 1-star LR questions. It just doesn ... every single 4 and 5 star question correct in under 1 ...
I've been studying for the LSAT for quite a long time now, and while my accuracy has improved, I still find myself missing hard questions—4/5 stars. There isn't a question type pattern or anything when the difficulty rises, I ...
This may be a silly question but when I star a specific question from a prep test or star a page from a lesson, do they all go to one place on my account? how do I go back and find everything I've starred?
... helped me with the 5 star questions. It turns out that ... question 13 from a 5 star question in a problem set ... , where does getting the 5 star questions right rougly place you ... score ranges compared to 4 star or 3 ...