... LSAT this summer, but I want to go ahead and add a ... Letter of Recommendation to my LSAC account. DoIneedto buy CAS on ... my LSAC account BEFORE I attempt to start ... recommender? Or can I go ahead and do it through the LSAC ...
... and parsing conditional statements... I can quickly identify the ... , for whatever reason, I'm really struggling with ... I'm missing to better explain and practice chaining? DoIneedto just do ... more and more practice LGs and see where I ...
... my free trial and I really liked it. Considering ... purchasing monthly ultimate+ and I am not sure what is ... anyone advise if Ineedto check that box or not? DoIneedto buy it ... in order to get the materials ...
... really upset yesterday because I could not understand the ... just needto give yourself a break. Anyways, I started todo practice ... problems with the chains. If I know how to ... work the chains doIneedto memorize all ...
... though on whether or not Ineedto select an answer during the ... blind review if I'm not changing it. In ... answer right the first time, doIneedto click the answer choice or ... with the same answer. I'm trying to make sure my blind ...
DoIneedto finish the writing section before I see my July score on the 30th, or doI just needto complete it before submitting my score to schools in the fall? Thanks!
... sample at any time? I am taking the August ... Flex tomorrow and I know they opened up ... ago, but I just want to verify that I'll be ... able to complete it ... ."
... 154 on the august. I'm thinking of retaking ... from my schools. I know I'm ok with my ... 154 but I want that extra chance. I am thinking ... and apply? DoIneedto cancel my August score (I got score ... do a retake? I'm assuming I just sign up for another one to ...
DoIneedto send in my study abroad transcript if 1) it was only for one semester and 2) I didn't receive credit for the grades I got from that semester?
... about the LSAT writing. I took the LSAT last July ... score after being able to see it. I have an LSAT ... 7/15/19, which I am able to read. It also ... " for this October test....doIneedtodo a new lsat writing section ... or can the one I already have on file ...
LSAC has received my college transcripts and the academic summary report currently says "Transcript analysis data not on file". DoIneedto purchase CAS before I can see my LSAC gpa?
... -in webcams are okay, however, I will be taking the exam ... on a desktop computer. I've read that the proctor ... will ask you to show them the entire room ... and can advise on this? DoIneedto rent or purchase a webcam ...
... applying as a college senior, doIneedto account for every summer? For ... example, I didn't do anything the summer after ... during quarantine (March - August 2020) I mostly just studied for the ... blank on my resume, should I add an addendum?
Hello! For folks who have registered for previous LSAT Flex administrations, what is the process like? DoIneedto have a Proctor U account? And how many days before the first available test date were you allowed to register? Thanks so much!
... LSAC website really confuses me. DoIneedto actually call my university and ... ask them to send my transcripts to LSAC? I currently have ... my school listed and it says that I ... but it has been close to three weeks... If anyone knows ...
I have to say the timing was "perfect ... bad, I would have politely asked my neighbor to lower the ...
My decision is to cancel the score (I have my August ... reasonable reason for cancellation? DoIneedto provide an addendum for this ...
... concerning FLEX requirements. I am planning to use my main desktop ... computer with attached webcam, and I ... was wondering if I can keep the ... or doIneedto move it under the desk? Additionally, I would like to use ...
... at all, but nonetheless I know Ineedto mention it still. No ... problem with that. But I can ... occurred in Fall 2010. DoIneedto find the specific dates that ... since, but I read somewhere that I would needto get specific dates ...
DoIneedto schedule to take LSAT writing with ProctorU (like multiple choice section) or can I take it when I would like? LSAC recommends to take it as soon as possible but unsure if I can take whenever.
hey everyone, I'm trying to change the credit card I have on billing with 7sage. doIneedto cancel and re subscribe or something? will my progress be lost? sorry if this has been done before, but thanks!
- carly
... where I want to be. It seems like I just needto get ... into the groove of taking PTs. Hopefully I ... />
My study plan is todo 2 PTs a week with ... if I kept this plan? DoIneedto amp it up to 4 ... or 3PTs a week? I ...
LSAC told me that my test session was being reviewed; how long doIneedto wait for the score to be released? My writing portion was done prior to the April exam and not getting a score has made me anxious.
... the most. I find that I take forever to read the AC ... and second-guess myself. I ... other LR types now that I understand what the questions ... difficult despite understanding the questions). DoIneedto go back and study the ...
I eventually returned to grad school and just ... nothing more than to go to law school, but I have so many ... I even permitted to apply? Or doIneedto have the law school I attended agree to ...
... I continued toprepusing 7Sage as my only LSAT resource. Today, I am thrilled to ... report that I made 174 on ... the August LSAT!!! Now I ... 've got to get started on my ...
... ? Like can Ido it after I take the test? Or doIneedto get it ... done before test day? I ... of me I guess, but I'm just wondering if I could do it ... test so I don't have to add any stress to my plate ...
I went to create a new problem set and I'm seeing section 2 and section 4 LG sections for the 2020 admin. Is this correct?? Why is that? Doineedto be prepared for the possibility of 2 LG sections?????