... the problem sets to do though. You basically suggest doing 2 ... if you feel comfortable after 1problemset, that's all you ... spinning your wheels and wasting problem sets.
@ ... the entire lesson and doing more problem sets? Is that right ...
... package, so there was only 1problemset for each section. I did ... given section. If you do 1set and feel like you really ... since there's very limited problem sets in the Starter package ... , so I would recommend doing at least 1 or 2 of the ...
... said:
Only do enough problem sets to familiarize yourself with ... first time, I found myself doing every problemset in the curriculum. When ... I did all of the problem sets in the curriculum. As ...
... each were (Averaging at 1.5 min for each ... question): 1: 4/5 (that was ... my score would improve 1 point, and in some ... was correct. Before doing the last problemset, I reviewed the ...
Just started doing the questions from the problem sets. Should I use only the 1:24 time for each question to start out with? Or should I allow myself a longer time, say 2 minutes? Or not time myself at all to start out with?
... yo time yourself when doing the problem sets in the CC? ... do you throughly BR the problem sets?
... now I've been doing the problem sets untimed and instead ... each question in the set I say or circle why ... the test already the problem sets I have done ...
Instead of deleting submissions each time for each problemset: is there another way to re-doing them, where our new attempts are compared with our old ones?