I ask ... complete 1-3 of these sets for each section, in order ... FULL CC (including _all_ the problemsets) before begining to PT? < ... whole reasoning for saving the problemsets was to preserve them after ...
... to organize/make my own 'problemsets'. I feel like I just ... running lists of problem types I should be doing with different difficulties ... I go about doing the problemsets? Do you do all of them after ...
I just started the core curriculum, at what point should I start using blind review?
If I should I be using it for the problemsetsat the beginning, then how long should my timer be?
... minimum once every other week. Should I be doing past core curriculum problemsets ... of LG and LR as well? Or should I be doing ... fresh problemsets from the question bank? Or ...
What does it mean when your doing a problem set and it has priority ( very low, low high and very high)? Is this the matter of how important it is on the LSAT?
I am wondering if people are taking the time to fool proof the problemsets (10x+) and game board setup example questions? I feel like I should be fool proofing wherever possible, but I also recognize the time commitment. Any thoughts?
... , I just designed my own problem set for reading comp and ... how to view that specific problem set that I designed for ... . It isn't in existing problemsets and when I add those ...
Hi, I upgraded to the LSAC Prep Plus and still cannot access the problemsets. When I initially subscribed to 7Sage, I had no problem going through the problemsets. What is going on?
Has anyone recently also been unable to open up the PDF for problemsets after downloading (either problemsets on the syllabus or self-created ones)? I don't know where the problem lies...
... to re-do all of the Logical Reasoning Problemsets from the curriculum ... like Logic Games, Re-doing these problemsets can benefit me from a ... take notes of any and all trends I discover that will ... wondering if anyone is also doing this and if so how ...
After doing the LG and RC parts ... watching the explainer video and doing some problemsets—and where I was ... month ago, I am not doing so hot right now. I ...
The problemsets are typically given an allotted ... to complete (to take the problem set, blind review, then review ... esp. for the level 5 problemsets. I take a long time ... scheduled to do like 9 problemsets in a day.
Prep tests, problemsets, or the LSAT explanation page ... a prep test or a problem set, nothing opens or expands ... access any prep test or problemsets. Is anyone else experiencing this ... used different browsers but the problem still exists for me. I ...