Also- reset any analog watch to the hour at the start of each 35-minute section. You don'thave to do the math in your head, and during the LSAT the actual time of day doesn't matter.
... paid a certain amount and have a certain title. However, that ... years of law school will have built an awesome network. don'thave to rely on anyone to ... being a lawyer is you don'thave to wait for anyone to ...
180. I don't know if I could justify ... getting every question right wasn't a goal from the get ... ) commitment and 3) strategy. I don'thave much time (June) but I ...
... 't immediately catch your interest and captivate you. that means you have ... can't do this test day so eventually you'll have to ... tactic a bit. pretend you have kids, and you're reading ... what's going on. you don'thave to worry about focusing on ...
... timed run, you really shouldn't need to. At the very ... ; otherwise, you're going to have a really bad time once ... to a point where you don'thave to.
... . I read for structure, ). I don'thave trouble understanding the author's ... the answer choices I do have difficulty making things more/less ... />
So, now that you have shown me a handful of ... (hyper-specific) weaknesses I may have??
I agree with @elliottcovert but maybe not for an entire week? You don’thave to do an entire PT but i would recommend one timed LR and RC just to keep those skills fresh.
... intimacy. Pat and Amar therefore have to disagree over whether or ... the subject even though they have negated the position.) It seems ... enough to know that they don'tHAVE TO disagree about the subject ... ask yourself if both parties HAVE TO have a position on it ...
... balance situation. Sounds like you don'thave the time right now to ... the LSAT logic, but also have your work/life balance at ... your family and friends. Also, don't rush it. LSAT and law ... their score ASAP so please don't reject or make decision based ...
... in a similar situation. don'thave any advice on how to ... I sent out. But I don't think you should give up ... used saying goes "Rome wasn't built in a day"
If you don'thave time for that (which... why ... taking the LSAT if you don'thave time to study?) then prioritize ... />
Personally, I don't take notes. I don't know what exactly I ... you what areas you aren't so good at. That's ...
... you have brown eyes. If you don'thave brown eyes, you don'thave messy ... blah blah. If you don't offer deep insight, then ... have messy hair, then you have brown eyes. If you don'thave ... brown eyes, then you don'thave ...
3. I have already done that but it ... respect JY, I wasn't convinced by his answer ... ve already said, I don't think that being concerned with ... But also, why isn't D an important question? ... most people. But you don'thave to agree with the objection ...
... lot more slowly because I don'thave a good strategy in approaching ... in my LG score I have since stagnated and for about ... take the test. I still have about 2 months left, which ...