I graduated 2011. If you have a professor you liked, it doesn't hurt to try to ask them. Refresh their memory who you are. Maybe dig up an old essay you wrote in their class and include.
... subpar writing. A DS and optional essays are there to provide ... writing skills. Mediocre to poor optional essays are worse than none ... you forgot a major (but optional) component and the quality is ...
@"The 180 Bro_OVO" thanks for vouching! David Busis's Admissions and Essay Writing course really is amazing. Everyone on 7Sage should pick it up. https://7sage.com/enroll-admissions/
Absolutely. I worked with David Busis and he definitely does *not* ghost write for you. He provides you with constructive criticism and helps you write the best essay that you can. Highly recommend working with him.
I'm honestly starting to lean towards not retaking. It'd be great to get into Penn or Duke, but I might do ED at Northwestern and get that 150k scholarship.