... LSAT 3 times. However the firsttime was over a year ago ... I need to explain the first test? I basically had poor ... (I was a full time student at the time as well). I ... taken the real test that firsttime, and the increase from that ...
I couldn’t speak more highly of 7Sage. J.Y. got me through the LSAT in three months, scoring 172 my very firsttime! I honestly couldn’t recommend their services more. You guys truly have an outstanding and spectacular team!
... after taking it a second time. The firsttime I took it was ... immigration paralegal who works full time. I'm hoping that my ... . But also at the same time, highly contemplating to take the ...
... answered this question correct the firsttime around, and then when completing ... when reading it for the firsttime. I changed my answer because ...
Hey Everyone! I am looking to form a study group who meets via Zoom AT LEAST 2-3 times a week to prepare for the June 2023 Exam. ***This will be my firsttime taking the LSAT.
... />
I have a hard time blind reviewing. I am currently ... the answers. Most of the time I am down to two ... , I had it chosen at first but went with the other ... answer" without choosing it the firsttime.
... to get at this first disagreement while not actually ... to get at the first disagreement but actually misrepresents information ... of the previous answers the firsttime around.
Takeaway: ... , flag the question the firsttime around and return to it ...
The firsttime you read the passage you ... read the passage as second time. But, you aren't really ... on a subconcious level. The time you "lose" by doing this ...
Hey, y'all! I'm taking the LSAT for the firsttime this Saturday. Would someone mind explaining the generic structure? I know it's LR, LG, RC and an unscored section, but is there a certain number of passages/games they'll give you for each? Thanks!
Can someone explain this necessary assumption problem to me? I got the question wrong the firsttime and during blind review (I answered B, then E). The answer doesn't seem to be A or C, so it must be D. But why?
im doing better in the first attempt than blind review; im not confident enough and i put the answer i felt it could possibly be and i was right the firsttime although im still doing terribly