It seems that no matter what I do, I can't get any better at these things. I think that most of my problem is that I am relatively slow at critical reading, but I have always been like that and I don't really see it changing much. Not much that I really am ...
... themselves scoring high on the LogicalReasoning sections but consistently low on ... -0 on both sections of LogicalReasoning, yet I have not managed ...
For this problem, I nailed it down to B and the correct answer D. However, I chose answer B because I thought that D almost proved the point of B as the conclusion. In a sense, because we know that Pluto is not the sole cause of the irregularity, then we ...
I feel like I am hitting a plateau on the LR section, I keep getting 7 or 8 questions wrong every time I do it. I am starting to feel sick while doing the questions and cannot concentrate!!! Anyone with similar problem??? How do I overcome this?
... understand where my gap in reasoning lies. While I think it ... extremely difficult to remember the logicalreasoning behind every single question. That ... better off figuring out the logicalreasoning on my own or continuing ...
I am considering purchasing a course for 7sage. I was wondering which course packets include video explanations for answers to LogicalReasoning questions for PrepTests 1-38.