... low- to mid-160s, but I’m still averaging around -6 on ... other people to improve LG but I feel like I’ve ... improved from a year ago butstill miss at least 5 questions ... improving on my time management but I still seem to find myself ...
... bottom of my target range butstill relatively satisfied. I am scheduled ... time off post-June test, but I've now been studying ... 's some form of burnout, but I've found that the ...
... with how I'm progressing, butstill have a lot of room ... types of questions to drill, but am wondering if it's ... study as efficiently as possible but am still not sure what works ...
... for how long this is, but I wanna make sure I ... cry. I did my best but honestly, I didn’t feel ... is usually my worst section but I actually felt like it ... break, I was less distracted butstill flustered because of how bad ...
... a point in my bag. But sometimes I am confident in ... that is in fact correct but then we see that other ... or some of us skip butstill think about that question. Today ...
... definitely review this fourth game, but Im curious to know if ... us to do each game, but I am not sure what ... 7 minutes the target time butstill getting -1 over the entire ...
... br />
sophomore year in college but never
completed an ... with not receiving
accommodations butstill pushed
< ... . I continue to study but sometimes it feels impossible to ... for extra
time but I'm afraid I won ...
... . However, something can be inadequate butstill **help** in a situation. If ... fire. It most definitely helps, but is insufficient to achieve that ...
I did the LR section of the 7sage course, and am a little better at identifying the correct answer, butstill don't feel like I am where I should be, is the best way to improve in LR just to spam out drills?
... />
I've done some research but would like some outside opinion ... who got into ucd, Berkeley, butstill chose Gonzaga because she liked ... ivy schools - that makes sense, but I know so many people ...
... schools I am applying to, but I have absolutely no connections ... , Boston College.**
Less priority butstill urgently looking for student/alumnus ...
... initially choose the right answer, but second guess myself and choose ... had it chosen at first but went with the other answer ... like ok that makes sense, butstill make the same errors.