... financial security of the government isn't the sole reason ... pointing out that the government held contradictory positions but it didn' ... 't safe because the government doesnt hold itself financially ... safe is because the government is under financial deterrent ...
... about company trade agreement versus government stuff, the distinction isn't ... evaluate answer choices such as E because answer choice like this ... vague language the way that E does, you need to see ...
... />
GO=government official
AT=answer truthfully ... />
With that said E is the right answer because ... insurance adjuster isn't a government official. So answering evasively with ... be correct, which is what E states.
... it is disturbed. Thus the government requiring that it be moved ... asbestos will be disturbed. Choice E bolsters this point by adding ... choice E is another harm that can occur if the government requires ...
... main conclusion is that the government should provide the money for ... option to fund the networks. E does this by stating that ... together, then why should the government get involved?
... the conclusion of whether the government should or shouldn't ...
Absolutely! To weaken an argument, the answer has to undermine the main conclusion somehow, which only E does. C is an additional consideration which doesn't weaken the specific conclusion that it must be the government to provide money for supercomputers.
E is the correct answer. It ... only choice that describes the government acting to influence individual behavior ... the electricity rate, the government discourages people from using too ... they do not describe the government attempting to change individual ...
... down to C and E and chose E for the following reason ... :
Wouldn't answer choice E strengthen the conclusion in that ... they will? More specifically, should E not be true, then would ... 't? Doesn't answer choice E bridge the gap and make ...