... am on track to complete theCC in another week or 2 ... to finish every PT that is available. As such, I ... if it is even worth while to do the older PT ... 's or just stick to the newer ones (50s+) that ... are more representative of the test today.
... aiming to apply for the cycle after the current one (Fall ... until I am done with theCC or wait till I ... get through the whole CC before I move to ... months on theCC and then find that my score is not ... the time I have to study (about 9ish months): is it ...
I just finished theCC of the LR and want to ... further my understanding of the section. I don't ... thinking of this is to just take the LR portions of ... ve had a problem with the latter (making my own ... forward because I could use the advise, thank you in ...
... will be going over theCC for the second time in a ... />
Currently, my average is a 155 (best PT being ... back to reallllly learn the fundamentals again. Being that ... be PTing while doing theCC again or if I ... ) until after I finish theCC. I'd appreciate y ...
Howlong has everyone been studying for the august 2022 exam? I am ... this summer hoping to take the august 2022 exam. Going to ... should my score be at the end of June to determine ... I should sign up for the August exam or instead do ...
... this test by going through theCC first before PTing again. I ... decided to go through the entire CC from the first lesson. I work ... . I am wondering if this isthe best use of time. Let ...
... of an action isthe intended outcome of the action and not a ... -product of the action, and the end's value is thus the only reason ... was the subject of the conclusion.
... take my LSAT. Isthe RC portion of the curriculum worth going through ... going through the LG course (which is way shorter than the LR course ... question is: is there anything super noteworthy that comes out of the RC ...
... satisfied with my accuracy on the drills, I am consistently slower ... 'm wondering if the target time is set at the very most time ... that should be allotted for the ... question or if the target time is set to ...
... then anticipate, eliminate and confirm the right answer, etc. But, ... m not sure if this isthe same for every new beginner ... my speed, the reading speed and the overall speed? Is such frustration over ... process for any new starter? How do you overcome it or ...
... a bit confused on how to use "without" when writing out conditionals ... negate the sufficient when you see the word without, but what if the statement ... />
Just a bit confused with the "always... without..." statement I mentioned initially ...
@LSATKingsman said:
Who's mom is bringing the juice boxes the week?
Capri Sun seems to be a favorite for nostalgia:) As long as you mastered how to insert the straw without completely spearing the entire juice bag, you are golden...
... go through the RC parts and actually listen to how J. ... know sometimes we go through theCCwithout actually listening. Anyway, in ... glossed over RC parts of theCC because that was my ... writing this, what isthe essence of the passage? what isthe purpose?) so ...
... I run through theCC considering my situation?
> - howlong does it ... from theCC. JY is just absolutely phenomenal at making the concepts on the LSAT ... />
Howlongis really a personal thing. It also depends on the package ...
... that have a long and convoluted stimulus wrong. How can I ... wonderful. Thankyou for reading this long message
... Try using The LSAT Trainer or Manhattan LR istheCC isn't ... , and if the argument fall apart, that isthe correct answer. ...
... that have a long and convoluted stimulus wrong. How can I ... wonderful. Thankyou for reading this long message
> > ... Try using The LSAT Trainer or Manhattan LR istheCC isn't ... question, and if the argument fall apart, that isthe correct answer. ...
... that have a long and convoluted stimulus wrong. How can I ... wonderful. Thankyou for reading this long message
> > ... Try using The LSAT Trainer or Manhattan LR istheCC isn't doing ... interested. Besides, think about how much you'll learn about ...
... long time to study. The longer the student studies with 7Sage, the more money the ... of information to evaluate the argument. How much isthe economic cost of time ... to a source of information withoutthe problem or just evaluate their ...
... " said:
> yes the syllabus... howlong does the entire syllabus take to ... yes, you can likely complete theCC by February. However, as others ... buy and complete the starter package. If LG is your biggest weakness ...
... later in theCCwithoutthe basic foundations from earlier in theCC. If you ... quite confident in the exam, there is a discrepancy between ... what you feel is undoubtedly correct and what is actually correct. ... don't understand why or howthe LSAT came to that ...
... is when I make the most mistakes. I know once i finish theCC ... . Learning/getting better isthe concern. Learn how to do something, ... you're main focus is currently understanding the q types, then ... were you aiming for? How do you know howlongis reasonable?
... />
> My biggest question ishowlong should I time myself when ... you aiming for? How do you know howlongis reasonable?
... I went a long time without doing any challenging ... />
Howlong I'm aiming for is contingent on the difficulty of the question ...
The main thing is to know how you’re going to study ... to have the same outdone no matter when you test. Howlong have ... you had Ultimate+ and how much of theCC have you ...