... />
> Oh shoot, howdidyoudo that? And how much, if you don't mind ... months of Ultimate+ for $40. You can find more information about ... helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
... how fast youdo the work. Instead, it’s about how effective the work youdo ... is. For example, if you work ... there and that, when youdo, you understand what the best setup ... goal score. However, just did a full LG problem set ...
... the actual LSAT and howmany practice tests you plan to take before ... real thing. Are you asking when you should take PTs 1-35 while ... doing the core curriculum? Or how quickly you ...
... />
I know exactly howyou feel. I recently scored a ... understand the material. PTs where youdo poorly are the best ... can really help if youdo it consistently. Apps like ... to go if youdo not do well on the ... I know howyou feel but know that you aren't ...
... />
> I know exactly howyou feel. I recently scored a ... understand the material. PTs where youdo poorly are the best ... can really help if youdo it consistently. Apps like ... to go if youdo not do well on the ... I know howyou feel but know that you aren't ...
... think it partially depends on howmanyPTsyou plan to take before sitting ... PTs, I think it depends on howmany weak areas you've identified. If you ... two PTs a week. It largely depends on how much LSAT studying you ...
... emphasis. What didyoudo? How was your pacing? Where didyou fall short and ... what could you have done ... information, I could tell youhow to improve without knowing ... during a tough paragraph. You can process answer choices ...
... PT score because of anxiety. Doyou mind sharing any tips on ... with test day anxiety? What didyoudo to simulate pressure during PT ... you might also try is to set harsher time limits during PTs ... . During PTs I can usually finish ...
... were like gold, but I did not have as much because ... />
Conclusion: Save as manyPTs as you can until you get closer to reaching ... beneficial for you.
Invest in using those PTs for later ... be even more valuable to you when you use them (just like ...
Congratulations and thanks for sharing this. May I know how long it took you to complete all 49 PTs? Were they all timed? How much time didyou spend on each BR?
... just over two months to doPTs - I plan on taking the ... I will get through 5 PTs a week as suggested with ... but I'm wondering howmany people suggest to do a week and ... start. I thought I'd do the 70s, 80s, and 90s ...
have you tried, 50 minutes of studying and a 10 min break? Maybe see howmany of those you can do in a row. If I can do 2-3, that's a great study session. And remember that any studying over like 5 or 6 hours may have diminishing returns. So study wisely.
Omg Im struggling with the same thing, stuck in the 155s & blind reviewing higher. Im getting burnt out just doing drills. What didyoudo to make such a big jump, rlly need some advice for howyoudid this!
how long did it take for you to go from 140s to 158? what didyoudo/change to get to that score? curious because I'm also trying to score higher but need some guidance
Hi! I wanted to get a feel of everyone's study schedule for the last 2 weeks before the test (especially the full time working people). HowmanyPTs? etc.
For those of you who have taken the LSAT and joined the coveted 170+ club, I have a few questions:
1) What was your initial diagnostic?
2) What was your PT average the week before the LSAT?
3) What didyoudo your last week?