Doyou? If youdo, what doyou snack on? I usually have half of quest bar during the break but now I'm thinking about switching to different snacks and see which one works better for me, any suggestion?
... . I'm writing to you all to get some advice ... situation. I work full-time and been out of school ... December to get me more time to study. We found ... 75 left. I definitely underestimated howmuchtime I needed to study. ... and welcome any advice you send my way. Thank ...
... editing of the space/time continuum, so howdoyou folks keep your page ... relatively clean and organized?
Likewise, howdoyou ... (?) and thus not an option. Howdoyou handle conditions that are added ...
For LR clearly. When you see a question involves heavy Lawgic say MBT MBF Parallel reasoning etc.. Doyou start mapping the lawgic right away or read it first then read it again and Map it out?
Doyou keep them? Throw them away? I'm not sure what to do. I usually don't go back to them, and try to get a fresh copy instead. But I was just wondering what you all do with yours. Thanks!
Just for fun, because I noticed both my wife and I say LSAC/LSAT differently. I go the "word" approach and sat ELSAT, where she goes the letter approach and says L-S-A-T.
Hi, just wondering...
So BR is like you review your work by yourself right? Then when doyou need to refer to other's explanations?
When you find out your thinking is wrong after seeing the answer choices? or...
Or doyou blind review every single question and if so, doyou watch JY's explanation for all of them as well?
Just wanted to know what people do.
Thanks in advance!
... new question is...
What doyou wear on the test day ... />
Anyone doing similar or will you wear formal such as suits ... at 30 min earlier to do those procedures?
... struggle with is knowing howmuchtime to set per week ... to procrastinate way too much!! I am writing the ... am currently working part-time and I volunteer a ... would like to know howmuchtimeyou have dedicated per week ... Let me know what you recommend or what study ...
... reduce the amount of time that staff can spend on more important ... duties thus it is time wasting ... to produce records immediately each time they see patients, then ... it, it doesn’t matter howmuchtime it takes to handle the ...
Hey, I recently started the CC and I was curious to know are you all drilling question types while doing CC or doyou guys wait until after you have completely finished CC?
Hey guys, Doyou go back to review your wrong questions, such as one week later after the blinde review? or doyou review them before the real LSAT test?
Hi! So, when I blind review my answers and review the ones I did not get a chance to answer due to time, do I enter the answer choice in the analytics for the BR or leave them out? Thanks!