... />
With regards to your set up how quickly are you setting up ... rule replacement questions on the recent tests wrong don't fret ... you really want to get the most difficult ones right you ... need to store up sufficient ...
... would recommend saving the most recent prep tests for the end ... tests that will be most similarto your real upcoming test at ... .....) It depends on how much time you have to study. I don ... be a problem, unless you are studying full-time for longer ...
... ideas by conditional arrows, similarto in LR. (I bet ... as to lock in how this information is related to ... an electrical outage. They are the minesweeper (stupid ... . However, because of how systematic this method is, ... . Plus, for the ones I did get wrong, ...
You are totally correct about there being a limited number of PTsto use ... only questions that are too oldto be studying are the old mapping games (search ... here or TLS to find out which ones those are ...
... immersed in the old tests and jumped suddenly to a new ... an opinionated topic (which PTs do you think are harder?), so I ... think the difficulty shifted from old tests to this new one. I ... the differences between the oldones and the new ones were overblown. Yes ...
... would like to add that oldPTs come in handy BETWEEN PTs. For example ... flaw in the reasoning questions (How does that even happen!). So ... PT, I am going to drag out the old questions, find some ... of those little boogers are so close to being right, but they ...
... THE RECENTONES! At least a few of them. There are some ... differently, and if you are not used to seeing it, it ... is how a parallel flaw question is worded on a recent ... WTF is this? Had to stop and breathe and quickly ... it is best you are prepared for everything.
... />
No need to feel screwed. I was in a similar situation as ... drive!
When are you planning to take the LSAT? I ... you don't have many PTsto work with. I was there ... were super preps!?) and see how much effort the LSAC puts ...
... improve... I recommend taking time to read whatever books you have ... PTing right now. If you are only getting 9 right in ... you are almost wasting PTs, especially if they are higher ones. Take the time to ... you start burning through more recentPTs
The score conversion scales on newer PTsare much less forgiving than the oldones. I was scoring in the mid 170s on the oldPTs and then dropped to the high 160s low 170s on the newer ones despite missing roughly the same amount of questions
... to compare arguments and find similarones"? Do you mean when ACs are very similar ... a great job of explaining howto convert sentences into Lawgic but ... a lot of information to learn. Are we supposed to just memorize and ...
... month studying my scores started to oscillate a great deal ( ... of this year I decided to study for the LSAT ... is that there are only about 3-4 recentPTs that I haven ... LOT of PTs :@. I'll let you guys know how I ... do after I start taking PTs again. ...
... , are you me? This used to be me. I don't know howto ... , I still took shortcuts during PTs that I wouldn't take ... 's the conclusion, premise, howare they trying to trick you? Ah, now ... . Also, since the ones in the beginning are typically easier (not always ...
... 're finding out which onesare incorrect then you aren't ... choices then you are highly likely to get it right ... ve got a lot of PTsto go, so I'd ... which is useful to gauge how good you are at knowing your ... versus the ones you don't and see how much success ...
... for LR are pretty similar but I found that Manhattan spoke to my ... but I had no idea howto articulate that. Now, whenever I ... least review the ones that you missed. Then, try to apply your ... drilling question types. How you drill is up to you -- just do ...
are the three recent LSATs the only ones that are determinant of your score +/- 3 points? I was only able to take PT 73 but all the other ones I took were from PTs 52-61.
What are you using to time yourself? If you ... need to keep at it on the PTs, you really need to find ... a way to develop a ... these early ones can act as a primer for howto track your ...
... it's many years old PT, one would assume ... in the commentary on how you felt after the ... without confirming other answers to be wrong (topdown?) ... answer choices to confirm that they are wrong seems to take ... for many I think to see similar recordings for other ...
... it might benefit you to pay more attention tohow you feel during ... you exactly where your skills are at. And I would definitely ... group BR calls, they are absolutely invaluable to improve your reasoning skills ... take 3 PTs a week, I'd start with the ones that ...
... myself with a stopwatch to give myself unlimited time ... in any section you are struggling with, and then ... that shows how I modified 7Sage's methods to fit ... me get down to -0 to -1 on my most recentPTs. ... majority of games, there are only so many variations ...
Hmm...the more recentPTs will be more like the ... test day but the older onesare still helpful. I am doing ... that said personally I want to get as much experience of ...
... Drilling"? Does it have anything to do with BR?
... have rather than full PTs. You should BR when ... LR questions whether they are random or all the ... />
Q: How do I add pictures to my post?
I would also recommend more PTs before you think about ... where endless drilling is going to produce diminishing returns. Part ... with the test is knowing howto identify question and game types ... the most recentPTs yet, the 30s and 40s are ideal to really build ...
... />
and noticed that recentonesare much different.
It would ... to analyze all of recentPTs after 65s but I want to ... BRing with all the relatively recentPTs(post 50s)
but ... be helpful for adjusting to more recentPTs? I know there is ...
You guys are all so encouraging - I feel ... and I'm trying to analyze my recent tests and get used ... to it rather than giving up ... , I'll see how the next few PTs go and then decide ... in 2 weeks if I want to ...
... all my old LRs that I got wrong on PTs, did them ... slowly and proved to myself why the wrong answers are ... wrong, and the right onesare ... me starting to go a little bit better as the PTs progressed ...