... in a very similar boat. Feel free to DM me. PTs before (so perhaps even ... t stress enough how helpful it is to speak to people here, ... . Remember your goals are there to support your vision of ... has no bearing on how brilliant you are!
... variance among students in how many PTs it took to reach X score ... worse, we need to be skeptical of how people are reporting these numbers ... me 27 fully timed PTsto get my recent 171 on a PT ... really, how many PTs did I use up to get my most recent personal ...
... learning process itself to re-learn and review old materials. You ... command and retention, we are studying to get a good grade. ... much. Consider how you are doing this week compared to last week, ... have genuinely been in a similar position when my friends ...
... between the old and new ones. For example, the new LRs are more ... nuanced than the older LRs. Also, the new ones ... the oldones don't. It has helped to use the oldonesto drill ... and the new onesto do full PTs though ...
... converted some of my recentPTs that were graded on ... (I believe that's how 7sage grades) and re ... impression that the scores are accurate, in case you ... it's really helpful to practice having the mental ... practice since you get exposure to more questions.
... PTs with the newer ones - I select a more recent PT to ... take, set it to ... it as an opportunity to practice that area, but ... realized my average scores are lower when only scoring ... so I recommend keeping to 3 for more accuracy ...
... between the old and new ones. For example, the new LRs are more ... nuanced than the older LRs. Also, the new ones ... the oldones don't. It has helped to use the oldonesto drill ... and the new onesto do full PTs though ...
The most recentPTs (highest numbers) are the best indicators of your ... Day performance, since they are the closest to the "real thing." I ... />
As tohow you should prepare, I would take 2 PTs a week ... you missed each question and howto avoid doing so next time ...
... certainly not enough to get me to -0. imo learning howto do logic ... and accurately is like learning howto do math. sure, watching ... — assuming you are not some genius — you just have to practice over ... curriculum down i used the oldPTsto make my own drills. i ...
... situation and I totally understanding how frustrating can be, given that ... very long but highly similar answer choices designed to confuse you. They ... more time for the harder ones. That being said, I ... from. Regardless, your scores are already great, and I’m ...
... set you tackle (from the ones we provide in the core ... material as well. To me, PTsare a chance to test both your foundational ... after foolproofing, or are still confused as tohowto proceed with studying itself ...
... , try incorporating BR on future PTsto get more out of each ... , I am assuming you are referring to the ones available in the core ... 15 minute time limit to force yourself to choose howto prioritize and move ...
... the test conditions themselves are an obstacle to overcome if you want ... data exclusively from your completed PTs: it will analyze what ... will help you figure out howto manage yourself if you see ... bigger bank of those most recent tests still untouched for those ...
... standard distribution based on how people score with the ... to "scaled score" or "conversion chart" to let people predict how ... they would score on the new test format using oldPTs. The old ... 4 section tests that you have been taking are ...
... s your goal, so how do you get there? ... Some helpful ways to do this areto not move on ... answer journaling until you are fully confident you could ... We are also going to be offering simulated Proctored PTs every ... in an environment most similarto test day. Let me ...
... visible scratches on new and old cars, but "brushless" could ...
> Any tips on howto answer this type of questions ... "modern brushless car washes are less likely to produce visible scratches on ... uses a word that's similarto "usually" even though it' ...
... lessons before taking any more PTs (I was already doing well ... think that you need to determine for yourself how many of the ... can get). Logic games are particularly important to do as many as ... you can, since a lot of similar ...
... />
> > How far are you from your target score ...
> > How far are you from your target score ... ; When you say you are drilling hard strengthen questions, ... questions from PTs that I will want to take ... I don't use more recent material.
... if possible (this is all similarto what she advocates in the ... learned. Gut feeling or intuition are not reliable guides on harder ... you to choose the right answer and then thinking about how you ... learned in (4) and (5) toold wrong answers from that same ...
... , it's good to use timed drills/PTsto focus on your timing ... .
As for howto tackle answer choices, this depends ... ones that look difficult to test, and first going for answers that are ... easy to test/put the most ...
... questions, but review some oldones you missed to remember why you missed ... has been enough to get the score you are shooting for. Cramming ... center. Make sure you know howto access the test tomorrow morning ...
Thank you. I am curious how we should approach PTs now if we are not planning to test until after August 2024? Or is 7Sage going to remove LG from oldPTs so that we're on not testing on those sections?
... sessions on Monday. The links to join are below, and if you ... ;
> Here's how our Proctored PTs work:
> to complete a room scan (similarto the test-day ... recommended PT 74, and are you planning to attend the Blind Review ...
How far are you from the score you want to apply with, and how ... ve taken over 30 PTs and reviewed every question ... least 2011 so the ones they didn't post ... of questions to answer about how you got to the answer ... on what _your_ issues are exactly. After that amount ...
I was in a similar boat. I started to drill from PT 1-PT18 (old format) since those PTs aren't included in the new PTs. One can argue that it is not the best option since they are older tests, but the questions are still testing the same set of skills.
... so sorry about that. To clarify, LSAC has reformatted ... PrepTests 101–158 to exclude the Logic Games ... />
You can refer to this table: https://docs.google ... ?gid=157460206#gid=157460206 to see which new PTsare equivalent to the oldones.
... my story will be similar. Good luck to you whenever you end ... once you get to logical reasoning you will see how important all ... of the core lessons are, and it ... first on eliminating the ones you know are wrong and then assess ...
... and can't figure out howto print for prep
... attempting to download PTs 101–158, please note that these are not ...
To print out PTs 101–158, which are reformatted PTs, you'll need to switch ... table as a guideline: Mapping old sections to new