Hey guys,
I'm confused about howto deal with the analogous questions in RC. This type of questions spent me lots of time, but still be wrong. Is there any tips or approach?
... 'll need to slow down and first drill individual LR question types ... JUST that one problem type to do. Afterwards I review the ... question type). I'm wondering how you guys went about this ... ? How did you drill Q types for LR? What helped ...
... situation, and how they went about motivating themselves to keep studying and ... />
Any tips on perhaps howto go about improving, staying motivated ... , and adapting to the changed LSAT style of questions inLR and LG ...
I’m retaking in March and have full time available to study. I ... took the test in November and ... : reading comp as a whole, timing in LG, necessary and sufficient assumptions inLR, LR ... is right. My goal is to get a 164+ on the ...
... realizing how very helpful it would be to have the paper test in ... front of me to mark LG and LR ... things like circling important words in the question stems, bracketing premises ... I can train my brain to catch everything? I sometimes read ...
... -4 LR: -10 LR: -10 RC: -13, I can BR up to about ... />
I plan to continue to fool-proof games until I ... will restart the CC on LR and RC, I am ... does anyone have advice on howto start over? I have about ... feel like if I learned LR like I've learned ...
... 165 with 23/26 LR, 23/25 LR, 16/23 LG, ... ve gone 20-21/23 in that LG section. HOWEVER ... for me to get any type of improvement in RC. ... accommodations I am absolutely unsure howto approach RC passages sometimes. ... I see tangible improvement in everything but RC I ...
... first section of the CC reading comp but I have a ... method and be fully confident in my answers and then watch ... don’t know howto get better in RC; it seems to be my ...
... wanted some advice with LR pacing. Currently in a 35 minute ... on polishing my ability of reading/breaking down/controlling the ... yourself to implement it?
2) Howto not get caught up in an ... attractive AC: How did you ...
seriously i always do this and its such a stupid reason to loose marks... any tips? Am i just being too rushed or lazy or not bothering to understand a rule. i always tell myself i will pay more attention next time but end up mixing things up...
... are 27 points, or the LR sections which account for 50 ... of the section themselves. Unlike LR where you are at the ... questions that are asked. And inLR where performance is dependant on ... own feelings about how you performed in the section tend to correlate quite ...
... a "target" indication next to them in addition to the breakdown about Round ... where, if I want to go -0 in the section then I ... time that other 7Sagers (perhaps in a particular score range) have ... -add but just not sure howto interpret here.
So I decided tostop studying for the LSAT on July 2019 and focus on my school. Now I am going to restart. I was not doing that good actually so I want to redo the whole CC. Any advice on howto do this and in general any tips for restarting ?
... give me some advice on howto improve my speed while also ... (1-35) because I wanted to focus on improving my accuracy ... , I cannot finish all my LR questions. Usually there would be ... don't have extra time to check those questions that I ...
... . I remember reading huge words and arguments and thought to myself: "**Ok ... full-proofing and then LR, and then on to RC. My highest ... didn't know howto read properly and put in the time and ... />
Thanks for reading, I've been waiting months/years to make this ...
... and need an advice on howto continue studying before the test ... me somewhere 5-6 days to complete one PT, I ... and go through every AC in details. With only couple of ... I won't be able to go through enough PTs ... at a time? How should I schedule LR, RC, and LG ...
... how I can improve in these? My approach so far has been to ... hoping to see my score hit 165 consistently in the ... coming months. Hadn’t got time to foolproof ... improving my LR performance.
... really helpful, but with LR I find myself scoring ... methods you used in seeing increases inLR? How did you realize what ... you do to get past it? How does LR studying look ... to get some inspiration and guidance on howto see consistent improvements. Thanks in ...
... has any suggestions/tips on howto keep the momentum going that ... halfway through reading Loophole by Ellen Cassidy (should finish in the next ... couple weeks).
I'm trying to ... 165) but I'm BRing in the high 160s/170s so ...
... first time and I want to ask howto improve both sections before ... I have been having trouble in getting the answers correctly. Somehow ... I would second guess myself in picking the wrong answer and ... . Is there advice out there to fix it before test day ...
Does anyone have any advice on howto improve on LR and RC? I have improved a little bit, went from -12 to -6 or 7 but I'm not sure what the best way to keep improving is.
... get about 6-8 wrong in every section. I just ... the easiest to improve, and I do see improvements in my ... in BR, I can score around -2. Any advice on howto ... />
I'm not sure howto tackle LR and RC, so any ... figuring out a way to improve in these 2 sections can ...
... down my weak spots inLR and want to make the most efficient ... />
How would you suggest is the best way to drill LR and ... />
Also, for anyone writing in Nov, what does your study ... some study tips leading up to test day you would recommend ...
How do I become consistent inLR, when I do untimed and BR I get upwards of 4 wrong but sometimes I get 8 wrong when its timed. How do I bridge this gap and not lose my accuracy? Not restricted to any one question type.
... has advice to maximize an LR score at this stage in my practice ... ? I need to be ... to do a flex test a day in the 80s and drilling LR ... have been in my boat before, I would love to chat with ...
... thought "howin the world was I supposed to figure this out in ~a ... foolproof method in regards to LGs, but does the same apply toLR? Will ... the patterns really start to appear? I ... much feel like I **_need_** to be at -0/-1 inLR.
So when I take LR sections timed I get around a 10/26. But when I complete it BR with no constraints I am able to score like a 20. Does anyone know howto improve timed???