... every other question type correct onLR except the ones above. This ... -8 Questions I miss per LR section and I am missing ... 2-3 on RC that are also MBT ... any tips or YouTube videos on these question types. Thank you ...
... January and scored a 149 on my diagnostic, but it is ... to -2 on LG (not my worry), but onLR I am averaging ... help. I finished the content on 7Sage in mid-March, and ... , and Loophole. My weaknesses in LR seems to be flaw, strengthening ...
... PT 52. Any advice for LR or RC just to at ... to expect to hit lower on the real test. I only ... RC, 5-8 wrong in LR, and honestly I'm fine ... struggle with the HARDER questions onLR and any advice how to ... well as review some untimed LR sections.
... PT, with a gross -10 onLR. It's frustrating to miss ... also miss -2 to -0 on LG whenever I retake old ... LG better on the test, and not make stupid mistakes on the LR.
... am consistently getting 11 wrong onLR. If I could just get ... that I need to work on flaw, strengthen, RRE, and MSS ... scheduled for the June test on Sunday and haven't been ... doing this bad in LR until recently
... drain. When I was working LR sections last week the worst ... that I did a -5 on RC today which is good ... with a -3 onLR and a -4 on LG and a -7 ... on RC, I had not ... worked on LG for probably ...
I took my LSAT on Sunday. I didn't have ... ever without having to guess on any answer. After a day ... never know how I did onLR and RC, its hard to ... tell. Does anyone have advice on how to get past this ...
I'm planning on spending 2 hrs/week to ... good at most question types onLR. I also weirdly really enjoy ... having trouble with those, bring on your questions! Let me know ...
The questions i'm getting wrong onLR aren't because I don't know what I'm doing. They're because I keep missing minor details in the stimulus. Any tips on how to overcome this?
... get -2/-4 onLR and -3/-4 avg on RC. I was ... /-4 onLr, -1/-2 games, and -3/-5 on RC on average on full ... tests timed. Many misses were from timing onLr ... I missed 5 on lg, maybe 7-9 onLr and probably at ...
... 1-4 star Q's onLR and RC. Five stars are ... let's get this shekki ON THE ROAD. LETS GOO. on LG, -3/-5 LR, -1/-6 RC. on top of my expressions no ...
... This first session will focus onLR and it will last about ... We will do some LR questions so there is ... just someone looking to work on practice problems with others. ... am scoring around 154 on PTs so there is ... plenty for me to work on.
I am now scoring about -3 onLR, -2 on LG, but -7 on RC. I'm lost. So what is the traditional, maybe cliche advice that can help me with reading above a 3rd grade level?
... Does anyone have any tips on how to narrow down what ... to -5 on both LR and RC just depends on the test. ... where I go wrong in LR because at this point there ... questions I do get wrong onLR I'm usually down to ... If anyone has any tips on how to avoid this please ...
Hey everyone lately I have been scoring -2 onLR ,-1 LG and -7 on RC. Does anyone have tips I could use to help improve my RC score before the October test? I've found difficulty with the Authors Attitude and Analogy questions.
After receiving my august score which was must lower than anticipated I've had a hard time getting my groove back and am doing much worse onLR than before. what do I do I take the October test next weekend?