Stimulus: In an experiment, researchers ran rats ... so with the unstated idea in the conclusion that the ... that the other senses in which the rats were ... descriptively inaccurate with "small deficiencies in proficiency." Ruled out C, ...
... taking the Feb 10 LSAT in San Francisco? What do you ... most people just leave them in their cars, but I don ... me stash a small bag in their car before the test ...
I am confused as to why answer c is a better answer choice than a. They seem very similar, but is the answer c because there are a range of numbers opposed to using the same number (2) in answer choice a, or is there something bigger that I am missing?
... like it's Harvard or Yale but I'm having a ... twice by now, one was in 2017 February and February of ... I take the 3rd one in June that's coming up ... need, take a 4th one in December?
... express concerns against testing in February. Fortunately Yale is not one of ... the applicant's admission chances. Yale is the only top 5 ... aid at a school like Yale? Is the criteria for aid ... )
3) As mentioned Yale doesn't actually communicate a ...
... do. I took the test in Connecticut. It was 30 something ... got there so I sat in the corner by the window ... . We lost heat in the room when the test ... any problems completing the sections. In fact I was really excited ...
I'm changing careers after 22 years and trying to cram all of this in hoping to knock this June LSAT out of the park and get accepted for Fall 2018. Just wondering if anyone else out there is in the same situation.
... taken over 240 credits in 5 years (twice as ... I suffered major depression in my freshman and sophomore ... 30 credits per semester in the last three years. ... very very prestigous institution in the field of social ... I have zero chance with Yale and Stanford) with a ...
... final. I just sent it in over the weekend, and they ... cannot explain the sinking feeling in my stomach after realising that ... of red underlines and comments in the columns. Thank goodness I ... myself for making this mistake in the first place.
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Another example 'Every doctor in this hospital is qualified to ... epidemic.', isn't 'some doctors in this hospital are not qualified ... same information as 'some doctors in this hospital are qualified to ...