@danielznelson Sorry. I won't make it tonight. Experiencing sharp pains periodically. So, it's tough to stay focused during the session. I'll rest up and be ready for next week -:)
> @dennisgerrard said:
> @kenyamlee Same time. 7 pm EST
It's actually 7:30 EDT. I believe every session begins at 7:30 ET. JY updates the info for the next session in his original post after every session so you can see too.
... study before the February test during which I also had my ... games prep. Conquering your weak session(especially logic games since foolproofing ...
... also I could be studying during that time.” Fair enough. But ... how your overall well-being during your study time changes. session. I highly recommend them.
... an addendum explaining your workload during undergrad. I think the ability ... 'm just giving some background info.) During the academic year, I was ... and 24 hours a week during my senior year. I double ...
... math skills (in my head during test "oh, I am really ... is intuitive" in my head during BR "you freaking inestimable idiot ... idea. LR is the essiest session to just sort of review ... spare time (when I exercized, during tv commercials, on car rides ...
... to sort out the VITAL info on each question: namely, the ... is in regards to that info. (Strengthen, weaken, na, psa, sa ... critical attitude/driver's seat during the test will help your ...
... patch after learning new strategies. During this time, the process of ... applying the strategies during timed conditions can actually lead ... more intuitive and practical strategies during these workshops. I want to ... seeing you on a future session!
... his friends press him for info, his friends press him for ... info AFTER he looks at the ... played Demosthenes actually read something during the performance of the play ...