... , and I had glorious plum hair with red & gold highlights ... . I will probably tie my hair back as well. I am ... sure your hair looked glorious! I wonder how ...
... answer the questions in the interview as well
> < ... any bombshells in the NU interview that are different than any ... the notes during the given interview preparation time so one wouldn ... spot.
... answer the questions in the interview as well
> & ... any bombshells in the NU interview that are different than any ... the notes during the given interview preparation time so one wouldn ... />
> The Cornell interview on the other hand, ugh ...
... likely have an "on campus interview" that may limit who is ... _permitted_ to interview based purely on your GPA ... "fit" and how well you interview. Obviously those with connections are ... their way into a "secured" interview, or maybe even a paying ...
I got a harvard invitation interview very early in the cycle (November) with below both median numbers as a non-URM. That happens pretty rarely, especially so early on in the cycle. I don’t think I would have gotten the invite without 7Sage’s help.
The world would be a perfect place if those words indicated context every single time (and the global workforce would be operating on a four-weekday calendar, and we would have conquered cancer and hair loss).