Right on ddromney. What about all the phallic images I've seen J.Y. draw when talking about the support relationship between premises and conclusion?!!! It's like he's obsessed!!! This guys' gotta be stopped!
Yes, we buy the PTs from LSAC. Not exactly sure where, though. Sorry! As far as I know, J.Y., Alan and Jon are working on PTs 1 - 35, but they might not be out for a while!
... plausibly have a scenario wherein Y, Z, and W are the ... video, J.Y. threw out W right off the bat. But J.Y. was ... just showing you a possibility where the combo Y and ... question. But yeah, it appears J.Y. threw W, S, U out ...
Professor J.Y reporting it. That was a very thorough explanation and very interesting. Can't wait to analyse cases like this once in law school (fingers crossed).
Hey! Joy (joy@7sage.com) who starred in the Personal Statement bundle with J.Y. offers editing/consulting, though I'm not sure on pricing. Sorry! Send her an email for more info.
... around when i listen to J.Y's logic game videos. So ... taking practice tests I used J.Y's proctor voice. My husband ... one of the voices is J.Y's. I started laughing so ...
^ This. There's also a whole section on 7sage where J.Y goes over valid/invalid argument forms with intersect statements. It has really helped me with the confusing most/some relationships.
I am so mad I wasnt paying attention and missed the 72 sale... @J.Y. Ping you know you want to have a fire sale of some of the newer tests! :) Or how about as 12 hour sour that only gets posted in the forum to reward those that check in every day :)