I thought it started at noon (and have been taking PTs accordingly) but then I realized that my ticket says "check in no later than 12:30". So will the actual test start at around 1?
No libraries in LA are open Saturday or during the week at 8:30 (even university due to summer schedules), though a few coffee shops are. So far I've been going to a library at 9:30a. Any recommendations for where to PT at 8:30 in LA?
I read this article about the best ways to stay hydrated and I definitely see some instruction worth trying for LSAT practice. If it seems to work, I'll try it during the actual exam. Thought others would be interested in this new study as well.
Come to Blind Review Group.
All glory to the Hypnotoad.
Saturday, July 30th at 8PM ET: PT 52
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