JY/Jonathan, would you guys mind creating an explanation video for every one of the questions in the problem sets? The questions I end up getting right have explanations whilst the ones that I end up getting wrong...don't. Thanks.
Did anybody else think that 77 was light-years easier than ... at all. The games on 77 were much easier. Also, on ... 77 you had easier concepts like ...
I often have different diagrams from JY's.
How do I know mine is actually fine? I know his ones are more efficient and trying to have similar ones, but often times I have different game boards.
JY has said that the target ... with -1. Then I watched JY's explanation, admired it as ... this "very hard" game and JY said at the start of ... almost four minutes longer than JY said it took him. What ... to see a video of JY (or anyone) solving a difficult ...