I've been trying just about every browser on KindleFire but it appears that I can't get the videos to load. Any suggestions (other than buying an iPad)?
Amir, I added a case for the KindleFire so it should fallback to our flash player. Please let me know if it works. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
Is there a consensus on tablet options for those studying for the digital? I think some have mentioned the KindleFire as a good budget option, but anyone know of other options / have used the 7Sage Digital and could chime in?
... Sets/Qbank? Or buying Amazon Fire tablet 10" works too? or ... . We have tested with a FireHD 8 and it works on ... do not recommend purchasing a Fire tablet for use with our ... though it works on our FireHD 8, it is sluggish.
Hello all my fellow 7sagers! I have a simple question. Is there anyway that I could purchase PT's and print them from the kindle edition? Or will I be forced to buy physical copies?
Hi, I've been trying to avoid using phones or other electronics except for my basic kindle, but now have a problem with proctor since it seems like I can't put mp3 files in the basic Kindles anymore.
Does anybody know of a lsat proctor on audible?