I've been trying just about every browser on KindleFire but it appears that I can't get the videos to load. Any suggestions (other than buying an iPad)?
So KindleFire doesn't support flash (Adobe ... 7sage reads "Sorry, Adobe Flash 10.1 is needed to view ... HTML5, so I purchased the Kindle. Now it seems they only ... for me (which renders the Kindle useless)?
Amir, I added a case for the KindleFire so it should fallback to our flash player. Please let me know if it works. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
Is there a consensus on tablet options for those studying for the digital? I think some have mentioned the KindleFire as a good budget option, but anyone know of other options / have used the 7Sage Digital and could chime in?
Fire Alarm went off during Section ... 5 minutes and less than 10 minutes (exam continued normally). This ... in that range. With the fire drill, I think I still ...
... fire is no more likely now than it was 10 ... years ago
Premise1: 10 years ago ... were installed over the last 10 years." This isn't ... detectors installed in the last 10 years, which accounts for ... equally likely as it was 10 years ago.
I'm taking the test next June. The last 10 Actual packet ended at PT 71. This means that the next packet will be 72-81, with PT 81 being the February 2016 test. Will LSAC release 72-81 in a new 10 Actual packet before June 2016? Thanks.