I am also looking for study buddy , however I think December maybe too late. I was hoping to have someone to work problems with from now till February. Located in Midtown.
I look at the calendar each day and wonder where the time has gone. I had a several month break from studying and then returned in late December to begin studying for the Feb. LSAT. Wish I would have not taken that break now!!
I just finished it tonight. Thought the RC and LR sections had some rough spots. Did worse than I expected in LR and better than expected in RC. Scored a couple of points higher than my average, as of late, so it was a nice confidence boost. :)
Sorry for the late reply; it should be available now! You can grab it from from the LSAC website for $10; or, if you want explanations to go with it, JY will assuredly have them up in a timely manner.