... right now and make a list of schools and then when ... now they are pretty much all closed with very few exceptions ... the late summer/early fall all of the options will reappear ...
No problem at all, set it up whenever you want. Add schools to your list, and then once you're ready you can pay for the CAS and start uploading everything (LORs, Transcripts, etc.) so you're ready to go when the time comes.
I have a semi-irrelevant question. Is there a place we can go to see a list of videos of you guys doing actual questions and sections. I know they are sporadic throughout the site, but I didn't know if there is a page that has all of them.
For MSS, MSS is almost all careful reading - slow down reading ... frequently repeat. JY has a list in the lessons, but I ... would recommend keeping your own list in a notebook or on ...
@leonsmoney @nicole.hopkins @Pacifico All of you guys, this is ... bit selfish and spoiled by all of you. Honestly, can't ... a bit in my prospect list.
... well and found this list on TLS of all the schools that ... all of the free ones, but I'll definitely narrow this list ... application fees for Vets' (not all inclusive):
Lewis and Clark ...
... and go ahead and do ALL the drill sets. If cost ... , then go ahead and purchase ALL of the PT's as ... later. Cambridge already provides a list like that on their website ...
... .com/forums/discussion/4330/categorization-list-of-every-lr-lg-rc ... list is sortable by game type, so you can just see all ... , if you wanted to see all grouping, in-out games, that ...
... to reapply next fall with all my application materials completed and ... to get accepted (sans wait-list so that I can defer ... tests 1-38) and then all the PTs with explanations for ...
FYI it looks like all of Cambridge's licenses are ... the top. They don't list a specific date but once ... well worth it over getting all the 10 Actuals.
... making the effort. And for all future people who read this ... for me. You didn't list your GPA or whether you ... either 54k or 100k for all three years and no numbers ...