From my experience, Moststronglysupported questions do not necessarily ... off guard. What is supported is that any particular cat ... suppose that this is the most attractive wrong answer choice. ... contradicting the stimulus and being supported by the stimulus. The ...
... wielders fight Voldemort" What is moststronglysupported?
A) Harry fights Voldemort ... he uses a want, and most wand wielders fight Voldemort so ... statement, just something that is supported.
(disclaimer: I realize my ...
... as very clearly distinct from MostStronglySupported questions. In other words, ... for an inference that is supported by the entire stimulus necessary ... rather one that could be supported by just a small ... can be thought of as "most." In addition, we're talking ...
@emli1000 Seems like a classic MSS... a twin of "Which one of the following is moststronglysupported by the statements above, if they are true?" given in the 7sage question stems for MSS.
Agree with @"Dr. Yamata" You learn how to identify the question type quickly by doing a bunch of them in bundles. You can see how many different ways "must be true, moststronglysupported, Ect." are asked.
First, this is a moststronglysupported question. This does not mean ... the choice that has the most support, which is a ... , the correct answer will most likely be produced by stringing ... that this choice is not stronglysupported.
@c.janson35, thanks man. I have serious trouble with moststronglysupported question and inference questions in RC because I got stuck in 2 or 3 answer choices all the time.
Me too. After the chapter on MostStronglySupported questions, it was like the clouds parted and the sun shone bright upon all the wrong answers. ’Twas a beautiful thing.
... long/convoluted It's a moststronglysupported question, so we don't ... />
Answer A: This is definitely supported, and it is directly stated ... of ideas that isn't supported. We know that environmentalism is ...
Problem sets are just a set of questions arranged by LR type (e.g. Flaw, necessary assumption, moststronglysupported, etc.) and depending on the course you select, you have access to questions with varying levels of difficulty