Hello guys please when solving an LRproblem is it okay to ignore the context and read the argument only to be a little fast, since we just need premise and conclusion.
Thank you
I am hoping to compile a list of all the questions I have pinned (using the purple bin after finishing a problemset) in the past 5 months of studying. Any idea of how I can access this information?
... improved a few of my LRproblem areas, but as I'm ... still averaging -3/-4 per LR section I know I can ... more prudent to continue drilling LR in hopes of getting that ...
Hi, I'm trying to re-take a PT I did several months ago on the 7sage app. Is there a way to re-take the PT without deleting my data from my initial take? (Similar to how you can make a clean version of the same problemset)
I see that on the top column of every problemset and prep test, there's a new feature called "theme." It has 7 Sage, 7 Sage Dark, Standard, Standard Dark. I was wondering whether the standard themes are the ones that we see on a real test?
JY suggests that sometimes we should cut a question out, keep it, and review it every so often.
So how do you do it? do you create a excel sheet for it or you create your problemset on 7 sage?
... extremely detailed and in-depth LR discussion and review and some ... RC too. Review 2 LR + 1 RC section/week although ... minutes by myself on one LRproblem today, but again, these questions ...
... long they spend on each set of problem sets with five questions ... deep analysis of the entire problem starting with the stimulus. I ... then write down why each problem is either right, or wrong ... 20-45 minutes for each problemset, depending on its difficulty.
No matter what problemset, I always miss the high priority questions. I can't figure out how to isolate those so I can practice them. Does anyone know how?
... through every single lesson/quiz.problemset before moving on, or if ... and leave some of the problem sets for later? I feel ... efficiently by doing all the problem sets before moving on to ...
... the text filter on the problemset, the webpage often freezes ... the create a problemset page to filter the problemset by exam, ... if you could create a problemset straight from the "Review ... view and then make a problemset from our selected questions. ...