Can some of you awesome people weigh in on statistical reasoning as it's used in the LSAT? For example, PT 18 S2 Q4. Specifically, things like probability or likelihood trip me up. Any resources or explanations would be appreciated! Thanks!
... received more time on the LSAT because I have a physical ... I am allotted 50% more time on my LSAT and the highest ... am registered for the June LSAT. Any advice? ... and am working through The LSAT Trainer. In Lesson 35, an ... is unsure about buying The LSAT Trainer - it's helped me ...
Without giving away any of the content in PT C2, does anyone know what year (roughly) this exam was given? Is C2 the "never-before-disclosed" PT that was included in the most recent LSAT Super Prep? Thanks everyone.
Hey, so I'm a big fan of using caffeine to study with the LSAT (specifically caffeine pills). Will I be allowed to bring those into the test with me, or would they be confiscated? I've heard different answers.
Managing LSAT Stress and Anxiety
... in addition to being an LSAT expert, is also a certified ... management, the autonomic nervous system, LSAT specific stressors, an overview of ... :
Managing LSAT Stress and Anxiety with Pacifico ...
... be essentially wasting away this LSAT chance. I keep telling them ... I get the "you're 25, get your life together" talk ... realistically plan to take the LSAT again? I'm thinking December ...
How did you go about adding the LSAT Trainer along side 7sage in your prep? I've heard it's a great resource, but I'm not sure how to use the two simultaneously while studying.
To my surprise, I see many people here have actually taken the LSAT thrice. This will be my case but it sort of made me nervous because I was told after the 2nd LSAT, schools begin to look disfavorably towards your application(?) thoughts?
... am currently concentrating on my LSAT studying shooting for higher than ... study. If you are studying lsat too, please feel free to ... can review exam together, share LSAT knowledge and encourage each other ...