Just did the June2007 test and I am wondering if I can delete S.2 from my analytics as I skipped it in an attempt to replicate the July Flex formate. Thanks.
“Some anthropologists argue that the human species could not have survived prehistoric times if the species had not evolved the ability to cope with diverse natural environments. However, there is considerable evidence that Australopithecus afarensis, a ...
Did anyone else find this section particularly hard? Granted I did it at 9:30PM when my brain is usually not the best but it really killed my confidence as I was seeing improvement in RC.
Just a friendly reminder to read every single word throughout the stimulus and the answer choices. I blind reviewed this question for FAR too long and ended up not really seeing a clear difference between any of the answer choices. When something is not ...
Probably the main difference between "new" and "old" is the addition of comparative passages in RC. The free June2007 is the beginning of such change. So anything PT's starting with Pt 52 (in addition to June2007) has the comparative reading.