... , when I last took the LSAT I was pting around 171 ... to be done with the LSAT. Apologies if it seems like ... you did have questions about LSAT tips or anything I'm ... for 2018....as in the dates are referring to test date ...
... . I took the August LSAT Flex in the US, ... to register for the November LSAT-Flex. November is not ... !
Is the testing region based upon where you ... I register for the November LSAT (US region) even though ... a 169 on the August LSAT (I'm grateful for ...
... . I thought that the November LSAT would be taken online just ... like the August and October LSAT's, but when I registered ... for the November LSAT, it made me choose a testing location. Why ...
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I took the October LSAT flex today. After months of ... of, “you have left the testing screen” presumably talking about when ... . Unfortunately, this format of the LSAT does not only favor those ... based on taking a specific LSAT date and have etched out ...
Just wondering if any November test takers have chosen their testing date/time? Im not sure when we get the ability to do that. Any insight would be appreciated!
... stages of studying for the LSAT and am looking for a ... am aiming for the February LSAT, but if I feel like ... not ready, I will be testing in April instead. As of ...
... application materials explaining 2 low LSAT scores. For background, I scored ... signed up for the August LSAT-flex. I have struggled with ... couldn't get to my testing location until 10 minutes before ... .
Why Jan LSAT Flex is on19th and 20 in KST time? Wasn't it supposed to be 16th and 17th? Moreover, there was not any announcement they were going to change the dates? I'm a little confused tho.. so I wonder is it all on19-20th for you guys?
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So I bought an LSAT test booklet (62-71) and ... trying to master the LSAT. And then finally accepting ... maybe just started the LSAT, though feel free to ... me, but LG is testing your ability to understand ... they're practiced in reading LSAT stimuli lol.
... a quick question. I requested testing accommodations (50% extra time) because ... requested it for the February LSAT (two weeks before the deadline ...
Does anyone have any idea when LSAC Is going post test dates past the April test? I’m trying to gauge my study time in conjunction with the upcoming application season.
hi, i was wondering what the available time range for flex tests was for the international lsat-flex in previous administrations! i'm in kst but please lmk the time range that you had in your timezone if you took the international flex!
... am taking the April 2021 LSAT on Saturday, April 10th... when ... advice/thoughts/other week of LSAT advice is much appreciated, as ... this is my first LSAT and want to make sure ...
... it to take the June LSAT since there's no experimental ... intended to take the Aug LSAT and had structured my course ... be most efficient in my testing and will grind especially hard ...