... ? (like if it’s a 5minute game- and you finish in ... if it’s a 12 minute game, maybe finishing in 10 ... if it’s an 10 minute game- maybe finishing in 8 ... />
After repeating a game for 5 times or so, I find ...
During the test, how do we know how much time we have left? Is there a giant digital clock that has a timer, or is it a regular clock, or do the proctors just give 10 20 5minute warnings?
... hours and took the 5 hours Digital test and ... it, but after the 5 minutes warning (which pops up ... got closer to your 5 minutes. That equals to ... , 2, 3, 4, 5 numbers that you could drop ... .
... />
1. On the first 3.5minute reading, I write low resolution ... the second round of 1.5minute summaries I am in virtually ... passage over for the 1.5minute summaries, instead of simply trying ... (...often) take more than 1.5 minutes to do the second ...
We ... , while taking the LSAT-Flex. You will still need ... utensil(s) to the proctor during the check-in period ... approved by your LSAT-Flexproctor."
I was able to request accomodations due to ADHD for November LSAT. They allowed me to take 5minute breaks between sections, sit and stand, allow me to walk and or stretch, and best of all NO EXPERIMENTAL SECTION!! YAYY
... get a good 30 minute workout in, 3 times ... the gym. I do 5 sets of pushups, bodyweight ... doing the video workout above 5 times a week. minute bursts taking a 5minute break between sessions ... in just 1, 25 minute session has increased significantly ...
Aside from all the BS that happened to me and the unfortunate 40 some students in my group, we had church bells go off like 5 times with 5minute intervals.
... after every section for 5 minutes... this would helped ... and through... but the 5minute breaks at the beginning actually ... my self off the 5minute breaks and only took ... a 15 minute break after the 3rd ... at least some full 5 section tests instead of ...
... more a few mins after 5 min warning.
LG: Once after ... more a few mins after 5 min warning.
RC: Once after ... more a few mins after 5 min warning.
... finish 5 questions at the 5minute mark, 10 at the 10 minute ... mark, 15 at the 15 minute ... 20 at the 23-24 minute mark (Q 15-20 ... question 15 at the 20 minute mark. I'm working ... up. Finished 1-5 in 5? good. finished 5-10 in 15? ...