... hour and a half on each LR section, I ...
In general, for each question type I am not consistent ... exact main conclusion (see question 4 on prep test 15 as ... />
There is no one question type I am good at ... can help me improve on Weakening, Flaw and Necessary ...
... myself wasting too much time on are onanswer choices that mention something ... I keep second guessing myself on the answer choices with something to ... is the source of my question. Most recent example was form ... LSAT 19 Section 4 Question 18 June 1996. I got ...
Correct Answer choice B:
"purports to ... S#.Q# - [brief description of question]"**
**I deleted the rest ... discussion/15) to post LSAT question verbatim on the Forum**
https ... /lsat-55-section-3-question-25/
... in the question - it's an inference based on the fact ... seems unlikely that this question would appear on a modern LSAT - ... is just a bad question, with unsound answer choices - I wouldn' ... />
I guess my question is would this question exist on an LSAT written ...
... well as a paper-based answersheet which you will use to ... will not enter your answers on the computer, although the computer ... />
***Also, make sure the address on your LSAC account matches to ...
For this question I was between choice A ... D is not the correct answer, and why A is? #Help ... />
**Admin Note: Deleted the question stem and answer choices as it is ... ) to post entire LSAT questions on the forum.**
... enter my OG choices here on 7Sage, then get my BR ... score on LawHub. I've run into ... not the same as the answersheet here on 7Sage. Thus, I can ...
For this questionanswer choice C is correct which ... . My question is: are answer choices with analogies usually wrong on strengthening questions ... ? OR does it just depend on the question?
... apparent disconnect from the question stem. Worst answer choice thus far. on reasoning structures, not on common sense intuition ... on in the stimulus and the question stem; I spent four minutes on ...
Why is the answer C and not A?
< ... you, please include PrepTest number, section number and questionnumber in the following format ... : "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of question ...
... you, please include PrepTest number, section number and questionnumber in the following format ... : "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of question ...
It really seems like the answer should be (D), can someone ... you, please include PrepTest number, section number and questionnumber in the following format ... : "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of question ...
I got this question wrong on the first try and on the blind review ... is the correct answer. For those that selected E on the first ... #.Q# - brief description of the question."**
I am pretty lost on why the correct answer is D. There is nothing in the stimulus that specifics that the Shoe Factory only hires citizens of Centerville. I would love to get some feed back on how other people did this question. I got answer B....
For this question I am a little confused. ... , JY mentioned that a right answer for PSA questions should end ... principle does. In this question, the correct answer says that "Toril did ... it possible for the right answer to have a different conclusion ...
would you give me the questionnumber of the ones that you missed and the wrong answer choices you picked. I make no promises, but I'll try to see what I can do to help you.
I am guessing ... talking about a necessary assumption question. The negation test can help ... it when you have the answer choices down to two or ... us the PT, Section, and questionnumber from the problem you're ...
... little experience with these Scantron answer sheets as I major in ... longer screw up my input on my PT's. My first ... . When I find the right answer, B for example, I am ... finger to the correct spot on the answersheet.
... question. Ignore the answer for the last question as it has no bearing on ... the answer for the ... next question. I agree with ... , you're not focusing on the question in front of you. ...
With answer C, what exactly ... That is circular reasoning. The question would need to say something ... flawed in that it relies on the weakness of the opposing ... argument rather than on the strength of its own ...