... other headings include preptest number, section number, questionnumber, answer choice, correct answer choice, and a ... screenshot of the actual question (which ...
... way down there," so keep on sprinting. Arrive at the right ... one can keep an eye on my personal belongings (purse, ... just to fill in the answersheet info, etc. A guy ... thing. Realized my error on the first game so re ... . To end the story on a happy note, my ...
... me is to answer all the questions on a two page ... at the circled answer, look at the numberon the scantron, then ... bubble the appropriate answer. Repeat. ... any input on the consequences of marks outside the answer columns?
... likely losing points on the last question of sets and on the hardest ... have to return to a question you had trouble with after ... long as you need to answer the questions well, and make ... have to skip a local question early on in the set, coming ...
... question ask these two things:
1. Descriptively accurate? - whatever the answer ... argument is doing in question 1 actually the flaw< ... accurate but will fail questionnumber 2 and that will ... helpful to reference for these question types as well. Hope ...
... they were wrong. Not on a question by question basis, but in a ... couple tutors have mentioned it on 7Sage as well.
< ... on 7Sage you'll hear that every LSAT question has 5 answer ... other people are saying. Work on fundamentals. Hyper-analyze your mistakes ...
... by your diagnostic score. Depending on what your weaknesses are, you ... the 170s). The answer to this question depends on a couple of variables ... easier and faster to improve on than RC/LR.
2 ...
... page that the question is on, cut it out ... you were drilling based onquestion type, you might overlook ... these are all different "question types" but they all ... them in the right answer choices, in the attractive ... wrong answer choices, etc. Look ...
... test open and your answersheet next to it on the table. (you ... at least a week early on a Saturday to see what ... ...if you hear any, go on youtube and find an audio ... play it in the background on your next few PTs (Construction ...
... I'll have worked on my accuracy but also benchmarked ... 'll go over that question type on 7Sage, Manhattan LR, ... myself why the correct answer is correct and why ... each wrong answer is wrong. If you ... probably 2-5 depending on how comfortable I am ...
Great question! I usually only read ... is a main point question I try to gleam ... answer the questions with the least amount of words in the question ... and the answer choices. I'd ... love to hear some other thoughts on ...
... start my LR sections onquestionnumber 11/12 and finish ... the hardest questions appear earlier on in this section. However ... when I get stuck on a question, I'm much more ... 'll just move on to the next question. Sometimes, all ... need to get a question right is a fresh ...
... />
I start my LR sections onquestionnumber 11/12 and finish 11 ... the hardest questions appear earlier on in this section. However, I ... harder, when I get stuck on a question, I'm much more ... . I will try this method on Saturday for PT65. Literally has ...
... the room that was listed on my registration ticket is a ... flip up "desks". Any tips on how to deal with those ... fit the closed test booklet on them? I have no idea ... my test book, answersheet, pencils, and watch on the desk without things ...
... don't quite grasp completely on the first read through (to ... or meaning of specific words on a particular line. Those are ... more difficult to skip a question (especially towards the beginning) ... ll circle the question, pick an answer and move on, then circle back ...
The answer to this question depends on where you're at ... /W/F and added LSATurdays, on which I take a PT ... risk in spending fewer hours on LSAT over a few days ...
... each question you are unsure about and explain why each answer ... move on until you can explain for each question why an answer is ... can you avoid misinterpreting the question/choice the next time? ... you approach to answering the question type the most efficient ...
Also, do ... spend more than 90 seconds on any question and if you feel ... a time suck happening, circle the question ... , pick an answer and move on. If you make ...
I ... spend more than 90 seconds on any question and if you feel ... a time suck happening, circle the question ... , pick an answer and move on. If you make ...
... principle justification question such as this, we need an answer that will ... was made. For this question, the right answer takes the latter form ... new construction should take place on a historical site if that ...
Yeah I'm generally a really good test taker and don't get nervous or anything but today I was so low key it bordered on boredom hahah... The ants crawling on my answersheet kept me entertained though...