... (either their total number of participants were not counted ... and nighttime activity patterns of two populations of tree-dwelling lemurs - ... the question above, none of the answerchoices really stood out for ... at night? The correct answer turned out to be ( ...
... about stray marks on the answer sheet has troubled me ... mark touches the edge of bubbles of other answerchoices, would that count as ... anything in it, while one answer has everything filled, it will ... it may appear apparent which answer the test taker chose)
... is merely sound". Two of the answerchoices begin with "it is ... to eliminate those answerchoices and choose the correct answer, but I ... to eliminate the "generalization" answer choice? I believe I' ... was the correct answer... anyone have an example of that?
... different results. Maybe the answer choice has something to do ...
Well, none of the answerchoices did any of those things (not completely ... br />
I eliminated the correct answer (C) because it says that ... there is some sort of propensity in leaner people ...
... , Argument Part, MethodofReasoning, Parallel MethodofReasoning, and Parallel Flawed MethodofReasoning questions.
... the bigger picture of the section instead of approaching each ...
The accuracy of this categorization may be proven ...
All of the answers, except for answer choice D, have ... ) in them. Here are the answerchoices:
(A) "In a well ... would appreciate a detailed rundown of the answerchoices; specifically, how do you ... with a referential phrase inside of it?
... (s). So, a lot of trap answerchoices will seem like they're ... ever a case where an answer choice DOES directly attack the ... ): "When answerchoices seem to attack a premise, 9 times out of 10 ... . For the 1 time out of 10 though, it's a ...
For logic games, if the question is asking for a CBT could a MBT be correct? For example, if R has to go into the 9th spot and R being in the 9th spot is one of the answerchoices, could that be correct? TYA!
... spending a longer period of time debating answerchoices (~1 min+) than I ... of the answerchoices can be easily eliminated, but when the remaining two answerchoices ... have the correct type of tone (i.e ...
... though. I get roughly 60% of flaw questions correct. The way ... there are two "kinds" of flaw answerchoices. There are those that relate ... 's conclusion is false, some of the assumptions used to justify ... />
It is these that I answer with almost 0 confidence and ...
... mainly within the context of formal diagramming lawgic-type ... I can actually get Parallel MethodofReasoning (Flaw and Regular) questions ... terrible at every type of question that involves being ... about and analyzing the merits of an abstract argument :( Any ...
Here is my analysis of the answerchoices. Grateful for commenting on my ... seeks to further theoretical knowledge of nature" in the stimulus. But ... will help further theoretical knowledge of nature or yield practical applications ...
... don't understand why the answer is A for this question ... questions where I thought all of the answerchoices seemed wrong--I was ... lot, so why would the answer be that it doesn't ...
Hey guys. If you're using Pacifico's LG strategy are you supposed to watch JY's video explanation of the answerchoices OR just the way he set it up etc. after your 1st attempt, before taking out your 2nd copy to attempt?
... I circled all of the answerchoices which I was uncertain of (as is ... I circled about 2/3 of the questions -- leaving about 8 ... questions I was most certain of were the ones that I ... in a similar experience (especially of this magnitude)?
... in general.
Most of the times I do get ... usually I hesitate between 2 of the answerchoices and in blind reviews ... to myself why the correct answer is correct.
... correct" given that the increase of electrical energy usage was larger ...
... at the context of a stimulus when considering an answer choice. After ... context; however, a lot of correct answerchoices take context into account. For ... , the correct answer is A, and the subject matter of A falls ...
I eliminated all of the answerchoices. I'm not ... question the ethical basis of an economic situation. The ... S. has found most of it's raw materials ... questioning the ethical basis of the economic situation (not ... a lot of foreign trade) in the ...
... I usually read every single answer choice (so even if ... AC A is the correct answer, I would read B ... skim through the rest of the answerchoices, but I still spend ... the other answerchoices once I choose an answer that i’ ... least skim through every answer choice?
... ). The terms used in each of the answerchoices are the same. I ... because I understand the structure of the argument, but the terms ... title; please use the format of "PT#.S#.Q# - [brief description ...
... want to confirm the validity of the answerchoices. I find this question ... best AC.
The breakdown of the core is:
** ... )**
So the conclusion of the argument can go like ... is no longer a part of scientific discovery** Correct?
... Mark, I'm the father of a cute 1 year old ... weakening, necessary assumption, parallel flawed methodofreasoning, and most strongly supported. I ...