Wow. LG. First two games we’re uncharacteristically time consuming so bu game 3 i was flustered. Misread a rule in the flower game and well... seems like they finally broke the trend with this one. Rest of the test was very normal.
... I realize that I've misread a rule and already mapped out ... reading, or I forget a rule and miss essential inferences due ... to forgetting that rule.
I think that ... an inference, missed a rule, or misread a rule. Games shouldn't be ...
... also wrote down stuff like "Rule 1 + Rule 4 = xyz inference" so ... if given a conditional logic rule; if one group is full ... going on or how I misread something.
... to "read better idiot." I misread stuff relatively often, maybe like ... I was misreading/skipping a rule, but I can often recover ... I can comfortably read every rule and question multiple times? rule... It's sort of familiar ...
... give yourself the chance to misread the rules by rushing. spending ... in" is a super common rule known as the "Cannot Both ... " rule, meaning at least 1 of ...
... this question might include: I misread a rule (translation error - potential fixes ... ... split when you shouldn't, rule based attack when you should ...
Happens all the time! I have had to slow down a bit in the first couple of games as it is so easy to misread or misinterpret a rule, costing precious points.