... also made a tracker of harder and hardest games from Tests ... to rap my head around newharder/hardest questions that pop on ... seems to happen on every new PT I take.
I ... br />
The problem sets are new (and packaged better), and ... we have information available, the new problem sets will use pretty ... to the harder ones.
Ever since the new problem sets were released, I' ... %. I know there was some new content added, but that can ... 't prepare you for the harder questions, and if you're ...
I haven’t seen any discussion on this, but has there been any reason to believe that the RC or LR will be “harder” per se, or introduce new or old question types? I’m just trying to gauge how reflective PTing for it will be.
... am always stubborn with trying new strategies, but I implemented something ... new with my LR and it ... more time to attack the harder games in the section. If ...